Chapter One

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Breathing wasn't a choice right now, crumpled on the floor, gripping her chest anxiety swept her body. 

Mei Ling had heard the term 'heartbreak' but to actually feel that pain, that unbearable pain, feel the panic as she tried to take a breath-- something she thought she would never struggle with.

All she had wanted was a few more weeks, even if the doctors said it was a stretch; far more impossible things had happened. 

The faint sound of approaching footsteps could be heard as they echoed through the stairwell. Nothing but silence and the sound of her heavy breathing filled the staircase as the individual reached the landing. 

Through the dark curtain of hair she could see the figure kneel before her, all her usual resistant energy had been zapped and there was no use trying to make a quick remark.   

As she expected the person to move and leave she slightly glimpsed a pale hand with slim fingertips painted a pale purple as the body leaned forward and reach an arm around her. A gentle hand landing on her back, stunned her; her breathing hitched at the sudden action. 

The warmth from the hand radiated through her body, slowly as the hand moved up and down her back Mei Ling's breathing patterns unconsciously began to follow the slow calming movements of the hand.

 Breath in as the hand moves up, breath out as the hand goes down, breath in as the hand moves up, breath out as the hand goes down. 

"Thank you." Her croaky voice sounded out from behind her curtain of black hair, the crying and panic had clearly taken a toll on her once confident tone. 

"Are you okay?" Such simple words yet they were nearly enough to have her break again.
No one had ever asked her if she was okay throughout all these years, never not once. More importantly to hear those words spoken with such sincerity, such genuine concern it almost became too much to handle. 

The girls gentle tone, the slight almost sing song sound that lifted at the end of her words, it was a voice she would never forget the sound of as it engulfed her; bouncing off the walls of the staircase. 

While that simple statement was something that nearly broke her it was the statement that snapped her out of her deepening hole of despair. 

More importantly no one Mei Ling knew or even loved had seen her cry; how could a random stranger!
Standing up she shook the hair out of her face and smiled at the girl across from her. She was a cute little thing but something told her she would be spunky if she was given the chance. 

Although, her sudden movements had startled the girl who took a couple steps back, which just happened to be one too many and sent her off the landing and nearly tumbling down. 

Catching her just in time, Mei Ling's once confident tone made a return as she spoke to the girl in her arms. 

"Are you okay?" 

"I-I- I'm fine, thanks."

If anyone were to look at Mei Ling right now they would see a undeniable sparkle in her eyes; whether it was a look of mischievous or infatuation no one could tell you. 

Mei Ling met the girls eyes and couldn't help but to give a slight smirk. 

The girls eyes grew wide, with the sudden change in events she no longer knew how to compose herself and instead chose her next best option.


She struggled out of Mei Ling's arms and scurried down the stairs and out the door at the landing below. 

Mei Ling folded her arms and leaned on the stair railing, watching the door close below; she couldn't help but think that girl looked like a startled rabbit running away. 

The though of her is a bunny suit crossed Mei Ling's mind as she descended the stairs.
Today would surely be a day she wouldn't forget. 

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