Prologue - Deeper and Deeper

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Scene  - This story starts off with our main characters Mark and Eric on-board their ship "The Ozzma Kappa" as they are drifting through out space.

Mark - "Man I'm Board when are we gonna reach our destination Eric."

Eric - "We will be there soon don't worry honey ;)"

Mark - "OK I Trust in your telepathy so I'm gonna go take a dump."

Eric - "OK I will watch over the control panel whilst your gone."

Scene - Half an Hour Passes and Mark is still in the toilet.

Eric - "He's sure been in there a long time, maybe he has food poisoning from my enchiladas I Hope he's OK."


Eric - "What was that?"

He Approaches the Front Window

"What were heading through a Asteroid field and I don't know how to control the ship we are gonna crash onto that glowing red planet."

Ship Alarm Voice - "Damage Detected, Power shutting off."

Eric Lets out a sigh as he realises his too soon to be demise.

The Rambunctious Mark Zuckerberg Featuring Eric CartmanWhere stories live. Discover now