set you up- peter parker

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<<a/n: this is a lil similar to the previous Steve oneshot, but the plot is changed up mostly. I just wanted to test out how the idea worked for both characters lol>>

"God. I'm not ready for finals week at all," you groaned as you pushed open the front doors to the Avengers compound, "I'm going to bomb all my tests. I don't think that I'm ever going to hate a Friday as much as I am right now."

"Same here," Peter groaned in an equally dead tone, dropping his backpack next to yours against the wall. "It just doesn't make sense to me how the school district is always stressing how important it is for teens to get enough sleep, then at the same time, they start piling up a ridiculous amount of work for us to do like they aren't expecting us to finish it before 2 am or something."

"Exactly my point! It's annoying," you agreed, letting your head fall against the marble counter of the island, "I honestly don't get why they're trying to do this to us. It's torture."

"Hey, kiddos," Tony walked in with Steve, ruffling yours and Peter's hair. "What's wrong?"

"Finals week," you and Peter said at the same time in a monotone voice, looking up at him with hollow and dead expressions on your faces.

"Ew," Tony's nose scrunched up in disgust, "I don't get why they have to make it so intense."

"Exactly, Mr. Stark!" Peter exclaimed, "I don't understand either!"

"School these days," Tony shook his head in disbelief, "it's getting worse and worse by the year. Steve, were finals these intense back then?"

"No. And I still managed to get into a good school," Steve stated. "So I don't understand why they're making it more intense. There were plenty of smart kids back then as much as now as well."


"Yes, Y/N?"

"Help us with our history final? It's on WW2 and you're literally a walking textbook."

"Sure, I can do that."

For the next hour, Steve went over the all the topics you were going to cover on the final, carefully explaining in detail about the World War and quizzing you along the way to make sure you knew what he was talking about. And by the time you were done, you felt like you were practically alive in the 20th century yourself.

"How do you do that?" Peter gaped up at him in awe, shutting his notebook and sliding his newly made flashcards back into his bag. "What are you?"

"I lived through a world war, Peter. You always understand something more when you're there to experience it."


You spent the entire afternoon going over all your study guides for all your subjects. For science, Bruce had you come down to the lab so he could help you and Rhodey helped the two of you with English. Tony was almost tempted to sue the school for the amount of work they gave their students.

"So you see," Bucky whispered to Sam and the others as you and Peter quizzed each other off your notes, which were spread out across the coffee table, "how they're sitting kinda close together?"

"Yeah, I see," Sam nodded. "And your point is?"

"We need to do something about them!"

"I have to agree," Pietro spoke up, "it's painful having to watch them dance around each other like this and not know about the other person's feelings."

"Then what's the plan?" Wanda asked. "What are we supposed to do?"

"Tony, does your daughter have a crush on Peter?"

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now