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Aoyagi Shin is a boy born with a strange power. When he entered the world, a miraculous event occurred in the hospital: all the sick surrounding the baby were inexplicably cured, their pains vanishing as if they had never been there. Initially met with disbelief, gratitude gradually replaced skepticism as people witnessed the astonishing healing power of the newborn.

As Shin grew, his father, who had struggled in his business endeavors, suddenly found success without apparent explanation. Likewise, his mother, who had faced challenges as a housewife, unexpectedly won a lottery. Both parents attributed their newfound fortune to Shin's blessings, showering him with gratitude for bringing unexpected prosperity into their lives.

Though unaware of the reason behind the gratitude directed towards him, Shin basked in the love and appreciation of his parents, finding joy in their happiness.

However, the happiness did not last long until Shin got into a car accident.

As Shin slowly emerged from the depths of unconsciousness following the car accident, he found himself in a hospital room surrounded by the familiar figures of his parents. Yet, as his senses sharpened, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

"If you die, what will I do without you?" His mother's voice quivered, her grip on his shoulders tightening with an unsettling intensity. Shin's heart skipped a beat as he gazed into her eyes, once filled with warmth but now clouded with an unfamiliar darkness.

The words hung heavy in the air, suffocating Shin with a sense of dread. It was as though a veil had been lifted, revealing a hidden aspect of his mother's character that he had never before encountered.

In that moment, a chill ran down Shin's spine as he realized that his accident had not only changed him but had also unveiled a disturbing truth about his mother's true feelings towards him.

As days passed since his recovery, Shin found himself confined to his home under the guise of his father's concern for his health. However, Shin knew deep down that it was merely an excuse to keep him isolated, away from the outside world. The once vibrant and nurturing environment of his home had transformed into a suffocating prison, with his father's overprotectiveness only amplifying his sense of confinement.

Meanwhile, his mother's absence left a void in the household, her neglect manifesting in the form of empty cupboards and cold, untouched meals. Left to fend for himself, Shin grappled with the stark realization that the once-loving and supportive family he knew was crumbling before his eyes.

As he pondered the inexplicable turn of events, Shin couldn't help but question the very nature of his supposed "blessed" existence. Was it truly a gift from the gods, as everyone around him had proclaimed, or had it become a curse, slowly unraveling the fabric of his life?

In the midst of his isolation and despair, Shin began to entertain the unsettling notion that his luck was indeed a double-edged sword, capable of bringing both fortune and misfortune in equal measure. With each passing day, his faith in the benevolence of his supposed blessings waned, replaced by a growing sense of dread and uncertainty about the true nature of his fate.

Shin noticed a man with a multitude of scars; his gaze was piercing and intimidating, causing others to shy away. However, Shin's curiosity outweighed any fear he felt, especially when he noticed the man's captivating amber eyes—a rarity in Japan.

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