Chapter 1

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A Wizard's Game by Grademaster
Anime » RWBY Rated: M, English, Adventure & Family, OC, Words: 473k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Oct 12, 2018 Updated: Sep 6
631 Chapter 1
AN: Okay so... I've got mixed feelings about this story. On one hand I do like how I did a lot of things. The system works pretty well and is consistent through the story. My OC seems like a real person and not some overpowered paper thin character. He's not an emo and he's not a goody-two-shoes either. He feels to me like possible one of the best characters I've ever written. I also like how I've written a few other characters in the RWBY-verse, showing sides of them I don't feel are properly realized. And what I've done with the lore? God I like what I've done with that so much but you won't see it until later.

But therin lies the problem. See, I realized today, the day I've posted this, that I have a hoarding problem. Not for things but for chapters. I've always had commitment issues. School especially I've had trouble buckling down and getting on things when stuff gets tough. So with stories there was an obvious solution. Make a crap-ton of chapters so if I procrastinate I have chapters squirrelled away. BUT THAT'S BAD!

With the chapters stored I can't adapt to new ideas. I can't just go 'Hm, that's a good idea. I can use this comment'. I already wrote everything so any advice I get that I want to use is null and void. And it's totally on me.

I realized this when I re-read one of my favorite stories. Yet another dance at death's borders by roguehunter11. It's an incredible piece of work that I myself love. It's also a gamer fic and it's the best I've ever seen system-wise. Rogue has the bad habit of terrible update schedules in exchange for quality content.

I looked at his story and I had maybe twenty new ideas for how to do things but I can't. Want to know why? Because I already wrote everything. It's locked down. No modifications allowed.

This is why I'm publishing this. I'm standing at a crossroads here. One is I scrap the bad stuff and really put laser focus on making a great story and actually be able to use comments. The other is I continue with this even though I feel that I can do better. I've come this far (at chapter 30 at the moment) so why not keep on keeping on?

I can't decide these things. So I want your opinion. Is this alright? I know the grammar is shoddy here and there so be quiet on that but is it okay as is? Do I rewrite it? I'm leaving it up to you all. I want to know.

With that said I'm uploading all thirty chapters. Over 100k words there of decent content. I just want to know... So leave a comment, even just twenty words, letting me know your feelings on this.

[S_H_I_R_O_E]: I do not own this fanfic , this is owned by Grademaster from

[|||| =NEW GAME= ||||]

[|||| =LEVEL 1= ||||]

I'm pretty sure I died in a car accident and I'm pretty sure it was my fault. I was walking back from a haircut during summer break of my junior year of highschool when I took a shortcut through an alley. I was letting my mind wander, thinking of what a pancake is defined as considering there are so many variants of pancakes in the world. Would flatbread be a very crappy pancake, for example, when I felt a pain in my back and I fell to the brick alley road. I felt my head grow smaller but before I knew it everything went dark. I didn't have earbuds on or was looking at my phone. I was just lost in thought on a route I'd walked a hundred times before when I died.

And that leads me to this moment. I was laying in the arms of some blurry giant people as I cried instinctively. Mentally, though, everything was just stopped. All the little neurons that would normally fire just stopped what they were doing and looked on in confusion. The giant people spoke something but it was spoken in goobly garb. That is to say it was spoken in nonsense.

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