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It happened when I exited Burberry; it's funny to think just a while ago I was testing perfumes on myself trying to decide which one I'll wear tonight to Jill and Marks house. Two men grabbed me, one by my legs and the other hugged me by one arm and kept his other hand on my mouth to prevent me from screaming. I kicked and tried my best to scream, to let anyone hear me, help me, but I couldn't. The whole street was empty!

I was pushed roughly into the back of a van in which there were 2 other men, I couldn't make out their faces, it was too dark, the bound my hands and put duct tape over my mouth. I wanted to scream at them, I wanted to struggle to try to escape but I didn't move. I knew it wouldn't help, instead just silent tears kept running down my face.

I do wonder what these men want from me, I'm not rich, i don't have any enemies that I know of, so I guess it must be for sex trafficking or slavery. I couldn't stop crying at these thoughts. I sat there in the corner in an uncomfortable position for what seemed like hours, it must be day by now, I dozed off at some part. But the driver kept driving and driving. After what seemed like 3-4 more hours the van jerked stop and the force makes me stumble forward, one of the men grabs my shoulder and pushes me back, it hurts. I'm hungry and thirsty and I'm in pain.

The van door opens and the blinding sunlight makes me close my eyes. Rough hands grab me and pull me out, I force my eyes open and see one of my captors leading me to a gigantic building which is giving of ancient vibes, it's like a mansion. The surrounding area is all mountains and there are no more mansions or even houses that I can see here. I shiver with worry.

The guy leading me pushes me and says "Walk faster"

I stumble and fall from the force of his push; he pulls me up again and pushes me again, though, not too hard this time.

As we approach the gate of the mansion, I see guards standing outside it and it makes me wonder again why me? One of the guard exchanges some words with the guy who brought me here, they talk in low voices so I can't hear them. The guard then opens the gate and I'm mesmerized by the beauty of the building in front of me. However, I'm not able to see much as my captor hurries me over to the huge wooden oak doors and rings the bell. 

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