my toxic thought of love

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lets talk about the one thing that everyone in this world needs or wants. love . love is something so important to humans. we need it, we crave it. theres all sorts of love that we can recieve and give, it never has to be love like partners, it can be found in family, friends, a hobby, a pet, a passion. almost anything. love is simply everywhere. it can be formed anytime but easily be taken for granted. love can either make you so euphoric or make you so depressed. love is foolish. it makes us do all sorts of things. they make us do things that are stupid, it makes us blind to the pain that is just right infront of us, its like an illusion. when we give someone or something that power over us, the power to love us, they can also easily take that away. giving someone that opportunity to do that is no one's faults, but ours. they're not stupid, we are. we're the foolish ones of thinking that everything is all fun and smiles when in reality, its not. love makes us hurt. at the end of the day, love causes pain and nothing will change that. love is such an overused word that it no longer has a true meaning to it. love is not special anymore. if anyone can easily give out love, then who wants it. everyone recieve it, so no one is special. i don't want to list down all the good things about love, we all know about the good things, but how about the bad. how much pain and suffering love has inflicted on our poor foolish souls. love is making us feel like we need it, we do. but it hurts us, hurts us so much more. is it worth it? is love really that great as people say? will love ever be strong enough to fight against all odds? do we truly believe that?  we all want love, heck i need it to. but at the end of the day do i see myself with love? no. no i dont. love will betray us. love is a drug that we all need but will bring dangerous consequences. love is worth all the pain. but not to me, not in my mind. i rather be alone then go through all that, even when i know i like being inlove or recieve love, heck i like giving out love to people. but in the back of my mind, the dark buried thoughts that linger around my mind knows that love will just fuck us over. it will hurt us, love is an emotion that brings out the best in people, the best versions of themselves, but in such a wrong way. why do we need to suffer to be the best versions of ourselves? why do we need to suffer the loss of love to be better? is the heart wrenching pain the only way to be better? why couldn't we just be happy without love? love simply sucks. its sucks that me and billions of other people fall victim to this pain. its hard to live without love but yet so many people die because of it. its depressing but true. its such a great feeling to be loved, but as i fall for the tricks and foolery of love, i realize that love is just another thing in this world that will make us crumble into bits. love will take over us and kill us all.

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