Part One: Genesis; Prologue

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                                                                                     Part One: Genesis

“Hi,” the whisper that fell from the small, red-headed girl was timid, somewhat shy. She sat down beside the boy on the swing, favoring roots that stuck up from the ground rather than the grass. She sat a good five feet away from him, just in case.

Hitomi had never talked to Naruto Uzumaki before. He was hated among many; thought to be a loud-mouthed, hyperactive fool who couldn’t pass a written test to save his life. And when he wasn’t there, at The Academy causing trouble for the rest of the class or picking fights with Sasuke (another feat the girls her age didn’t like—how dare he be mean to their Sasuke-kun), he was roaming around the village, causing mayhem and skipping class. A delinquent that most parents advised their children to stay away from. But Hitomi’s parents weren’t here—had no one to advise her against her actions. And with no one around, she didn’t see the harm in sitting with him.

His sad, blue eyes dragged themselves against the green of the grass and looked up at her, but not enough to meet her own darker blue. They touched just the bottom of her chin before quickly darting back down, his lower lip jutting out. Naruto had to bite it from trembling. “Are you here to tease me, too?” His voice was small and didn’t have the bite it usually did.


“I’ll still be Hokage,” he mumbled. Hitomi ignored the red that surrounded his eyes and the wetness on his cheeks and the snot he kept sniffling around so that he could breathe. If nothing, she was courteous, when the time called for it. “I’ll still be better than everyone—I’ll be the most respected man in the village!” He looked up briefly as to gauge her reaction, to watch for the mockery and laughter he usually received in exchange for such bold claims. He found none.

Hitomi scooted closer to him, smiling up at the sad boy. “I’m Hitomi.” She offered him her hand and he shook it, hesitantly. “And one day, I’d like to be the strongest kunoichi in the village.” His lips twitched, but he still did not smile.

“Naruto Uzumaki.”

Hitomi’s smile grew, “I know.” 

hey idk what happened i just got the really strong urge to rewrite Love is a Weakness/Forsaken Innocence/Ardent Acquition all in one book bc people really seemed to like Hitomi's story but tbh those books are really bad so here we are. Don't worry, a lot changes. And for the better. please do not read the others. thank you. 

SalineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora