1 - Afta all...

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Located on an earth-like planet is an established inter-planetary transportation hub within a bustling city. In the vibrant city, along several dusty streets lined a variety of colorful stalls and sales people attempting to entice their products to the last potential customers of the night. “Thief, thief! After ‘er!” boomed a voice drowned out by the bustling noise of the crowded local shopping center despite the setting sun. Lost in the masses was a young lady with silky azure-colored hair and bright yellow-green eyes sneaking through the crowd.

Citlatli Tresler cackled quietly to herself as she darted easily through the crowd, she hated crowds but they were useful for a quick get-a-way. She ducked into a dark alley easily blending into the shadows with her dark complexion and clothes. She surveyed the area ensuring she was alone, she pulled out her latest bauble retrieved from her latest five-finger-discount to verify her success. It was a gem, a uniquely cut opal which seemed to glow in the moonlight a stunning vibrant ocean color. Proudly, she quickly concentrated within her palm when it began to glow a soft lime-colored light, opening a portal where she stored all her other treasures. When it was big enough, she tucked her jewel securely in the portal.

Suddenly she heard an ear-piercing scream, her bright glowing green eyes darted to the source using her magic to pull the shadows to hide her existence. Then concentrated to close the portal, keeping her eyes towards the source. As quiet as a shadow she crept along the darkness searching for the source of the noise. She scaled the nearest wall all the way up to the top and leaped across a couple of rooftops. Then a light caught her eye and she stopped short. She peered over the edge still surrounded by her shadows.

 “Daddy!” a little girl in a flowery yellow dress and pigtails cried reaching for her father but was held back by a tall lanky man who was bald and hooked nose. He was laughing, yellow teeth showing against an unnatural red skin, which indicated he was not a normal inhabitant of the world.

“I don’t have it yet!” a man with deep set eyes and gorilla-like build roared, “Let her go, she has nothing to do with us!”

“Oh no? Well she will be if you don’t get me my money. She is quite pretty. Perhaps she will fetch a nice price.....as a slave,” the red man’s eyes twinkled as the gorilla man launched forward attempting to throw a punch at him. The red man and the girl vaporized disappearing then reappeared a few feet away. The girl’s little pigtails were coming undone and her face paled, she was not able to handle the vaporization. “Magic ‘gainst nothing? That’s quite unfair...” thought Citlali amused.

The girl began to whimper, the gorilla man realized his situation and gritted his teeth. He curled his hands in fists recognizing his predicament. “Fine, I will get you the money. Just...please don’t hurt her...”

Triumph showed in the yellow eyes of the red man, “Very good. I’m glad you came to your senses. I want you to give me the money in-” Suddenly the red man released his hold on the girl who didn’t waste any time running away into the astonished arms of her father. The red man started reaching towards his neck as there was an invisible hold over him choking him.

A dark shadow fell before them, and unfolding from the shadows Citlali revealed herself. Citlali’s glowing eyes looked at the blue man, “Itsa shame. Dun jou think its pathetic ta use magic this way against non-users. Just ‘cause jou have the abilities dun mean jou should use eet for these type ‘o reasons. Men like you make meh sick.” Citlali reached a clawed hand towards him and squeezed it slightly. The red man finally ran out of oxygen and fell to the ground, dead. Citlali walked over to him and gave a slight kick to make sure he was actually dead, “Then again, I can be a hyp’crite.”

Citlali glanced up to look at the man who was hugging protectively his little girl. “Thank you,” he said quietly.

“Dun take eet teh wrong way,” she darted her eyes towards the girl, “I did eet for ‘er. Slavery es sumthang no one shoul go through.” Citlali sighed, she saw herself in the girl. She did not want anyone else to go what she went through.

“Well I still owe you one,” the man said with determination in his eyes. Citlali quickly read him and could easily tell he was sincere. She was never to one turn down a future favor because you never know when you might need it.

Citlali shrugged, “Fine, I always take any currency. Tho’ gold, diamonds, or anything uniquely rare es acceptable.” She looked at the red man on the ground and warned, “Bet’ ta leave when ja can.” With that, she jumped up again scaling the buildings back up on the rooftops.

Jumping from rooftops to her current hideout, she began to berate herself, “Why djid I gets involved. Luckily I was able ta control muh magic, then again the only time muh magic works right is when I’m angry, emotional, or veerry focused.” Citlali recalled the little girl and thought, “She’s lucky to ‘ave a loving father. Djid I have such a kind ‘o parents? If I did, why djid I get abandoned on an unknown planet? Why es the only recollection I ‘ave is of their smiles and their backs. Everythang else I r‘memba is black and nothingness...Always full ‘o questions, never any answers....” Citlali groaned as she realized, “Now someone ‘as seen muh face. I can’t stay ‘ere much longer. Better pack up and leave for the next planet.”

Citlali finally reached her current hideout, which is an abandoned building away from the loud noises of the night. The area was dark  and pitch black but Citlali had no trouble seeing perfectly in the dark. She curled open her palm and opened her portal, ritually she pulled out her luxurious bedding including her pillow and blankets. She set it all up on a floating inflatable mattress, “This twas a nice pick up.” She grinned, and climbed into her bed the mattress floated a good three to four feet above the ground. “Tomorrow I’ll need ta grab some food and essentials then head ta the next planet,” Citlali planned as she closed her eyes and fell into slumber.

The next morning Citlali packed up her things and made sure to clear out any evidence of her stay in the building. Ensuring her hood covered her face sufficiently, she joined the bustling morning shoppers. Citlali made a beeline to get the items she needed, using her five-finger-discount when she could since she was already a wanted criminal and was leaving soon anyways. “Too bad I never got to use that man’s favor...” she thought regretfully deciding she probably would never see him again. Done with her shopping she started heading towards the port to exit the planet.

Suddenly a glint caught her eye, it was a shiny new silver-colored archer’s bow lined magnificently with rubies, sapphires, and diamonds. Citlali stopped in her tracks, eyes glued to the majestic bow. “‘Ello,” Citlali muttered seductively under her breath. Eyes darting for anyone around, she approached the stall and reached out for the bow. Her eyes widened recognizing the danger, “Trap.” Instinctively she retracted her hand but it was too late. Two large officers had already grabbed both of her arms.

“Think ya got away from meh, didja?!” Citlali recalled the voice, it was the man who called after her when she stole the opal. He was as burly as one would think, thrice her size, hairy, and heavily built. Struggling uselessly, Citlali gritted her teeth and looked at the other captor and her eyes widen with shock. It was the gorilla man she saved the previous night. He gave her a look and when the other officer wasn’t looking he held a finger to his lips.

The burly man began to brag aloud about capturing Citlali Tresler, one of the top interplanetary thieves and about how he’ll get a promotion. The men started carrying her away. Eventually they reached an empty alley with stairs. The gorilla man made eye contact with Citlali, she knew this was it, as he released his grip on her arms and instantaneously tripped over a step.

“Urgh,” he grunted as he fell forward as his companion screamed, “Noooo!” It was too late, in the blink of an eye, Citlali kicked the burly man to the ground and scaled the walls to escape. Adrenaline kicking in, she never stopped as she made her way to the port. Snatching up her ticket she stopped to catch her breath as she made her way as calm as possible through the lines and on to the next available ship. She was waiting for the alarm to alert officials of her escape but surprisingly it never came.

In fact, everything went flawlessly. Sitting on the ship she thought amused, “Musta been the gorilla man...” Something told her to look out of the window and as she did, it confirmed her thoughts. She saw the gorilla man on the building rooftop looking up into the sky with his little girl. They were waving furiously with big grins on their faces. He was true to his word and repaid his favor.

Citlali felt an involuntary grin creep up on her face, “Some people aren’t so bad afta all...”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2014 ⏰

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