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Ray pops the cork to the bottle and pours two wine glasses all the way to the rim. "Drink up," he says and slides one of the glasses in my direction.

He doesn't have to tell me twice.

I grab the glass and down its contents within seconds.

It's been a minute since I had alcohol.

Normally I'm a sip-and-enjoy kind of girl. But given the circumstances, I think my actions are justified.

"Damn," Ray chuckles. "Slow down, I only brought one bottle."

"Sorry," I mutter. "I just need this in my life right now."

He looks at me with sadness in his eyes. I hate it when people do that. It's almost just as bad as someone asking you if you're okay; knowing damn well that you're not.

"This is good," Ally chimes in. "What is it?"

"Taco salad," Ray deadpans and I laugh.

I pat Ray on the back, "Go easy on her Ray, she doesn't know what most of the things are that she puts in her mouth."

I just couldn't help myself!

Confused, Ally ponders over the statement I just made. It doesn't take her long to figure out what I meant by it.

She flings some of her food at me, hitting me right in the face. "Bitch! I know exactly what goes in my mouth."

"That's debatable," I say, wiping the food off my face.

I slam back the rest of my drink and place my glass on the table. If I keep this up, I'm going to have heartburn for a week.

I turn my attention to Ray; who is standing there awkwardly. He doesn't get our humor.

"So how's everything at work?" I ask.

I actually miss work, like, a lot.

Yeah, I know what you might be thinking. You're thinking, who in their right mind would miss work?

Am I Right?

Well, I do! I miss my coworkers; who have also become my friends, well, some of them. I miss socializing with the regulars, and most importantly, I miss getting out of the house.

I'm starting to feel claustrophobic.

"Well, it's definitely not the same without you," he says with a small smile. "But it's...going."

Thanks for making me feel guilty, Ray!

"I'm sorry! I was going to call you tomorrow and talk about coming in on Friday, but if you—"

"Absolutely not," Ray cuts me off as he places his glass on the table; which, surprisingly is still full. "You have a lot going on right now. The diner will be there when you are ready."

"Ray," I drawl. I have bills to pay. They're not going to pay themselves. I need to work."

He sighs, "I know; which is why I'm giving you this." He then pulls an envelope out of his back pocket and tosses it on the table.

I grab the envelope and open it. Shaking my head, I placed the envelope back on the table and slid it back in his direction. As much as I appreciate his offer, I just can't.

"Fal," Ally starts but I cut her off.

"As much as I appreciate the help, I just can't accept it. I'm sorry."

Yes, I know, I'm crazy. But I have a thing about owing people.

Ray grabs the envelope and walks around the table. The look on his face is a determined one.

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