1 - Sit Down You Big Dog

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"Be careful on your way home, it's getting pretty dark out. Would you like me to walk you home?" Namjoon asks with a small smile gracing his lips, revealing his two dimples.

"Thanks, Joonie, but I think I can manage. It's only a 20-minute walk," you chuckle as you reach a hand up to scratch behind his left ear affectionately. "Besides, I don't think a big goofball like you can protect me much, anyway."  

"Hey, don't underestimate me. I may be clumsy but I'm still a wolf hybrid," he playfully growls as he nips at your wrist gently.  

"I know. How could I forget? You're practically an overgrown puppy," you tease further, throwing your head back in laughter at the deep frown that settles on the hybrid's lips.  

"Now, don't you go comparing me to Taehyung and Hoseok. I really don't understand how Jimin puts up with them every day," the older male chides jokingly while poking fun at the two Golden Retriever hybrids. "I already get enough slander from Yoongi, I don't need it from you too." 

"Oh, don't say that about the pups. They're a lot, but they're so adorable and you know it," you gush. "And you know Yoongi and I only tease you as a joke. We all know you're a big, strong, capable-" 

"Don't forget mature!" Namjoon adds with his tail wagging in excitement at the compliments being thrown his way. 

"-and mature wolf hybrid," you finish with a firm nod causing the older male to break out into a happy chuckle. "Well, I best be on my way before it gets too late. Tell Yoongs and Jin I said bye." 

Namjoon nods slowly with a slight pout and his ears and tail begin to droop, signaling his distress.  

"Stop worrying, okay? I'll be fine. Here, I'll give you a call when I make it home if you're really that worried," you bargain as you rub behind his other ear. "I literally walk home by myself every night and I'm fine."

"I literally offer to walk you home every night," the wolf hybrid retorts back trying his best to mimic the tone you spoke in. "And I'll continue to offer to walk you home every night."  

"I know, Joonie," you smile up fondly at him. "I really appreciate your offers, but I'm pretty sure Jin would kill me if he found out I made you walk home by yourself especially since you guys live in the opposite direction. You know it's just as unsafe for either of us to be walking home alone at this hour. It's probably even more unsafe for you since you're a rare breed."  

Namjoon opens his mouth to rebuttal your argument but his words get caught in his throat. You both know you're right. But that still doesn't settle the nervous feeling biting in the pit of the wolf hybrid's stomach each night you walk home alone.

"Okay, please stay safe," he finally relents with his tail wagging slowly. 

With one last pat to Namjoon's head, you're heading out of the hybrid clinic that you and Seokjin have been running since you both completed your medical residencies two years ago.

As soon as you're outside the clinic, the warm summer air hugs your body uncomfortably which only pushes you on your journey home even faster.

About a quarter way through your walk home, you hear a light crash coming from an alley on your left. You jump at the sound and you look over, expecting to see an animal digging through the dumpster for food. However, there's nothing in the alley except for an empty McDonald's bag. You furrow your eyebrows and decide to shrug it off as your imagination. 

Just as you are about to continue walking, you hear movement again and a faint whimper. You stop in your tracks and strain your ears to listen for another sound but you can't seem to hear anything. A small frown tugs on your lips but you shrug off the feeling of uncertainty before continuing your trek home.  

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