Under Water pt. 1

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I'm about 12-13 years old and faithfully went to church every Sunday. They were always having different retreats for different groups of ages.

So i decided to step out of my comfort and shy zone and go to one which was for teenagers. I was really excited to be around people my age and slightly older. And the best part was GETTING AWAY FROM MY PARENTS FOR A WHOLE WEEK!

We stayed in different cabins, of course girls being separated from the boys. This place had everything. Movie theater, pool, recreation building, trails and to me i was in paradise.

We all couldn't wait to hit the pool so once we were all settled in we decided too go. Once we hit the water i stayed in the shallow water because i didn't know how too swim.

I was the only one who didn't know how to swim out of 30-40 teenagers so they decided they would teach me.

After an hour of learning i FELT like i was actually ready to swim life everyone else....


They told me to jump off the diving board.

I felt that i was ready until i actually walked to the edge of the board and instantly became scared. My gut is telling me not to do it but my friends surrounded the pool and chanted my name for me too do it.

In my mind I'm like "i can't let my people down" so after standing there for about 20 minutes and much convincing....I JUMPED

I did a pencil drop all the way too the bottom of the pool and pushed myself back up. I rose above water and can hear everyone cheering me on. One of my friends yelled from one side of the pool "ALRIGHT NOW ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS SWIM TOO THE SIDE LIKE WE SHOWED YOU"

So as i started to swim to the side of the pool...i started too sink and fast. I didn't panic. I tried to swim too the top again but nothing was working. And at that moment i couldn't hold my breath any longer and starting taking in water like a fish.

I could hear my friends saying "SHE'S BEEN DOWN THERE TOO LONG!" So everyone jumped in at once but by that time i was already panicking and screaming underwater and gradually started to pass out.

When they took me out of the water i had already blacked out but i could feel someone doing cpr but i still couldn't breathe. After a couple tries.i was able to breathe and started throwing up water. I was more embarrassed than anything.

The scariest feeling was not being able to feel anything below my feet, not being able to breathe , and not being able to grab hold of anything while in the water. I really thought i was gonna die on that trip.

I was a DUMBASS but never again....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2014 ⏰

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