↦ welcome!

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hello again! it is i, carms.

as you've probably noticed, i'm kinda on a creative tunnel at the moment. i've been writing so much and coming up with lots of ideas to write about, and frankly its the only productive thing i've done this entire quarantine (bar the fact that i matched with someone on tinder and he's really cute and funny but that's really besides the point-)

so you've probably seen me post a ton of things since my return back to wattpad. which is great, because i actually missed writing on this platform so much (ngl i don't miss the comments i posted three years ago because now i get twenty notifs based on them and i'm cringing at my humor. i can do way better). that being said, i want to welcome you to this fic!

phantasmagoria is an iwaoi fic that i've had in my mind for a while now. i kinda dipped into iwaoi after all the iwaoi stans on my twitter timeline just kept writing more and more angst because we're all waiting for iwaizumi after the timeskip (HE'S NOT DEAD STOP SAYING STUFF LIKE THAT I JUST WANT MY LESBIAN DEFENDER TO COME HOME).

sigh. iwaoi stans, amirite?

they run on a different kind of angsty energy, and it's this angsty energy that i've delved into, because frankly speaking it helps with a lot of brainstorming, as one wouldn't expect. anyway. its this same angsty energy that powers through phantasmagoria, except i really wanna rip into you folks and make you feel pain.

heheh. jk ily all.

anyway. i hope you enjoy this fic! i won't be talking too much in this intro (unlike in apotelesma. man i word-vomited in that one but i SWEAR i had a reason to) and going into the semantics of this fic, so sit back and enjoy the ride!!

this fic will also be going up on ao3 as well, so check out my works on my account there, its kxutarxu. my kenhina fic and fkbu fic are on it as well!!

thank you for reading phantasmagoria!! please continue to support this work eheh.

started: 09/05/2020

phantasmagoria - iwaoiDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora