Birthday Wish (Completed)

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Bree's POV

I looked into the bathroom mirror to see that I was one year older. Yep, today was my twenty-fifth birthday and I was still single, no prospects, no children and still working at my dad's cleaners. All my hopes and dreams had been flushed when my mother died almost five years ago.

My dad had diabetes and he was half taking his medicine so I quit my job at a law firm to take care of him. It had been a dramatic change as I had just finished my paralegal studies and was about to enter college. I wanted to be a lawyer so that's why I worked for a law firm.

I looked down at my dresser. I still had a picture of my true love. It had been eight years since I last seen him and he was probably married with kids. Silly me, I still wore the promise ring he gave me the night he left so many years ago.

I had never taken it off thinking that one day he would come back and whisk me away like a fairytale princess. Every year on my birthday I would make a wish for him to appear since he left but of course it never happened.

I rubbed my fingers across the ring and kissed it. It was time to live in the present and close up the past. I looked down at the small diamond band and twisted it around my finger. Today would be the final day I would wear it. Eight years was a long time and just maybe I could find that special someone.

I quickly dressed and headed downstairs. My dad was sitting at the table reading his paper.

"Good morning daddy," I said taking a coffee mug out the cabinet.

"Good morning sweetheart and happy birthday."

I looked over at him and he smiled. "Thank you."

"Here I made you a birthday muffin," he said.

I looked down at the table and sure enough an apple cinnamon muffin looked back up at me. On top was a white candle with the number twenty-five trimmed in pink and yellow.

"Where on earth did you find a candle with the number twenty-five on it? It's cute."

"I found it in your mother's baking stash. I also found the recipe for the muffins. You've looked so unhappy lately that I thought baking this muffin for you would lift your spirits. I'm sure it's not as good as your moms, but I gave it a try."

I couldn't believe he would do something so sweet. My father had never cooked let along bake for me. This was the first and I felt special.

"Thank you daddy," I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Well you have to make a wish." He lit the candle and I closed my eyes. I wasn't big on wishes because they never came true for me, but I would do it for my dad.

"Okay, here goes nothing." I sucked in the air, made my wish and blew out the candle. I opened my eyes and everything looked the same. I let out a breath and sat down.

"I hope you made a good wish, Bree. you deserve to be happy."

"Thanks daddy. Are you ready to go?" I took a bite out of the muffin. It wasn't bad for his first time around.

"Yes, let me get my coat."

My father wore a dress coat to work every day to sit in an office and do paperwork. He said it made him feel important. I didn't knock it, I just thought it was a little over the top. He came back in the kitchen but I noticed he was wearing his navy blue suit that he only wore on special occasions.

"Why are you do dressed up? I asked.

"Because today is going to be a good day. As a matter of fact why don't you go change into something nice. Today is your birthday and you should look nice."

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