Chapter One : Athena's Will

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Louis Tomlinson did not cry very often.

The aforementioned statement seemed like an exaggeration when he mentioned it and an outright lie if his gender implicated it. So he avoided, in extreme measures, to talk about it. He refused to allow his rational faculties to be clouded by pointless whirlwinds of emotions which would just make him feel weaker than he was.

So when his parents passed away due to the flu, he did not cry. When his brother died with a bullet in his heart, he did not cry. Louis did not cry. He mourned but he refused to shed meaningless drops of water by wasting not only his time but also his health.

With the kind of resilience and will he bore, it was predecided that he would serve his country by going to war which was why the man was calmly moving through the flaps of the tent.

Louis was a surgeon. A very well known surgeon and was highly in demand for his precision and skill. He had apprenticed with Elizabeth Anderson herself and was a star pupil amongst the selective ones she taught. Adding the weight of his gender and the fact that he was without a guardian and very evidently single made his person equivalent to that of molasses for the unrequited attention of Alphas. The fact they were at war with minimal supplies and death lurking at every corner did nothing to dissuade his suitors.

"Tomlinson," a female voice called up and held him by his arm taking no greeting in return and pulled him in the opposite direction.

"Swift, what is your problem?" He snapped at the Alpha, as she continued dragging him out.

"How long have you been up?"

"Four in the morning, some soldier needed an amputation," he responded, as she dragged him out to a secluded corner of the tent.

Making him stand before her, she held up a loaf of bread with butter spread and handed it over to him. Removing a cigarette herself, she quickly flicked the lighter out and lit it.

"Go on," she prodded him which caused the man to sigh.

She had always been this way since she met him. Louis was unsure whether she was committed in friendship with everyone or just the basket cases. And judging by her fiery fiancée's letter, he assumed only the basket cases.

Taylor Swift and he were fast friends. She enlisted to serve as a physician while he did as a surgeon. And he could say she definitely lacked the finesse of an Alpha but her out of the box thinking always helped the duo out.

"Thank you," he told her with a genuine smile which hardly took a moment to reciprocate in the form of a wink.

"Davidson has been shipped off," she informed him. Did he mention she also knew everything?

"Fantastic news," Louis told her, sarcasm evident. "They still want to play politics in the middle of it all?"

"That's not the only reason, I came here," Taylor sighed and handed over the envelope to him. "If anything goes wrong in that letter, I'm here for you."

Louis did not possess the patience Taylor did. He found it much more convenient to immediately confront the subject rather than circling around it and building up pointless anxiety. Tearing the envelope open, he plucked the letter out and scanned through it and shook his head by the time he shredded it.

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