Chapter 1 ~ A Ride

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Skylar ^^

Skylar's P.O.V

I gently start to tug a brush through my long blonde curls, before throwing them into a high ponytail. My violet coloured eyes stare back at from the mirror and for moment I think it's my mother again.

I quickly shake off the thought and leave my small bathroom, averting my eyes from the mirror. It's been almost 6 years since the incident. Since the first time I became in touch with my powers.

You see, my mother was a special kind of a witch. She was born as part of one of the most powerful covens in the world, and alongside my Aunt Jessica, she was raised to rule over it. That was until my mother accidentally stumbled into the New Moon pack and met her mate, my father.

My father was one of the top ranked and trusted warriors of the New Moon pack. He was patrolling the border when he just happened to stumble upon a blonde haired girl, who looked crazed, with mud caked all over her clothes and dirt smeared across her cheeks, but still my father said he never knew true beauty until that night.

Apparently they fell in love as soon as their eyes met, light purple clashing with chocolatey brown, underneath the moonlight sky. According to my father, it was as if time had stopped and all it took were two minutes for them to calm completely in love with one another.

My mother gave up her position of ruling the coven and it took months of convincing and begging too the elders for them to let her go. Then, they got married and had me a year later. The perfect life, right?

Their love story is one for the ages and they would recite it to me every night before bed. I still remember the love in their eyes as they replayed the memories out loud, but unfortunately life isn't a fairytale.

Most people don't get their happily ever after, and they're most likely ripped away when you least expect it.

My mother died when I was six, from cancer. Despite being a witch, no spell could save her. Even magic can't cure cancer.

I watched the life slowly drain out of her every day, until one day she was simply gone. I still remember how broken my father was that night.

There was a month long period of mourning, where he drank himself to sleep and isolated himself into his bedroom. It wasn't until my Aunt Jessica threatened to take me away that he snapped out of his funk and became the strong man I always knew.

He was loving and caring and sweet. He raised his daughter all on his own and put his own heartbreak aside just to raise me right. He always told me that I was his moon and in turn he was mine.

We were each other's everything, and we actually happy until that one horrific night. The night I killed my father.

It was a full moon, meaning my powers and wolf were stronger than ever. I had just turned 12, and the moon was at its highest peak. I don't even know how or when, but I started to shift. My bones began to crack and fur started to sprout along my body. My face was contorting into a whole different shape and I was screaming out in total pain and agony.

I remember it all like it was yesterday. My father came running in, concern and panic plastered all over his face. My body was in half-shift and my father was trying everything he could to calm me down.

The magic in my body was trying to fight the shift, making it so much more painful, and eventually I just let go. My powers ripped through my body and the magic won.

Blasts of magic shot out of my fingertips and I flew back, colliding with the tv. The noise it made was almost deafening, so I knew it was only a matter of time, before people began storming into here.

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