Thank You For The Tea

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Thank you for the Tea

I know that sounds like quite the British thing to say

But I assure you, I'm a pompous Austrian noble at heart

Oh, I'll sip on that premium English Breakfast

But the German in me says Camomile kills cancer

It lets the Frenchman smoke a few more cigars

Thank you for the Tea

The fruit and spice with rather sharp flavours

Even a North American mouth can appreciate those Thrillers

Although the Gingers should be left to burn

While the Chinese Oolong tea screams cultural superiority

Though the quiet Japanese calmly sips his Green

Thank you for the Tea

I must admit, I drink it as freely as my birthplace

Where mint and peppermint are exactly the same

And why are both Chai and Earl Grey "black"

And is White Blueberry "white" or "blue"

I confess; I'm a tasteless Canadian 

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