Chapter 2 - With all the strength of a raging fire

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The celebrations lasted well beyond three days. Ambassadors from all corners of the Nine Realms came to honour the Crown Prince of Asgard's betrothal. The only ones absent were the Frost Giants from Jotünheim. There was peace between Odin and their leader, Laufey, but that did not mean they would feast together. Odin defeated the Jotüns long ago during the last war, and their King had no choice but to accept the Allfather's terms, but he held a violent grudge against the Asgardians ever since. Thus Laufey had 'respectfully declined' to attend. None were too bereft.
During the festivities, Sigyn met with the people of Asgard. She spoke with all, no matter their station. The servants, the baker, the blacksmith, the guards... None were beneath her. And all loved her so much for it, it even reached the ear of the royal family.
Odin would request Sigyn to walk with him to dinner to ask about her day, whilst Frigga invited her to afternoon tea in the garden. When Thor was not training with the other warriors or out riding, he spent every moment he could with her. Even Loki, who usually kept to himself, sought her company. And every day, Sigyn still surprised them all.

About a week after Sigyn's arrival, Thor took her to the main square. Sigyn had told him of her secluded life, and he'd asked his mother for advice. Thor adored his mother for suggesting a visit to the morning market, for Sigyn now walked around with the biggest smile, delighted by all the colours, sounds and smells.

"Thor, this is amazing!" she exclaimed happily. "I've never seen anything like this!"

"You do not have markets at home?" he wondered aloud as he watched her dart from stall to stall.

"We do, but none are so... so... well, they aren't like this one!"

The sound of children laughing up ahead caught their attention. A puppeteer displayed the most beautiful marionettes in the centre of the square and made some move and speak. Thor knew the old man well. He often came here as a child himself until he outgrew the need to hear of legends and desired to become one instead.
The children were watching a play of selks and other sea creatures. Sigyn laughed along with them and leaned against Thor, slipping her hand into his. He glimpsed down at her. Since he misspoke that first day, Thor had carefully looked at all the other qualities Sigyn possessed. She was quick-witted, intelligent, and mindful of others, but above all, she had the kindest heart Thor had ever seen, apart from his mother's. There was no doubt Sigyn would one day make an excellent Queen. He only hoped he was worthy of her.

One child grew tired of the play and turned her gaze to Thor and Sigyn. The little girl was perhaps five or six summers old, and Thor caught her staring at Sigyn's blood-red hair, which hung loosely over her shoulder, with only a silver hair ribbon keeping it out for her face. Sigyn noticed the girl as well, and she knelt before her. Thor followed her example, curious about what she would do.

"Hello," Sigyn greeted her kindly. "What's your name?"

"Rúna," answered the girl shyly.

"Mine's Sigyn. Was there something you wanted to ask me, Rúna?"

"Mm... why is your hair so red?"

"Well, it was a gift. My parents gave it to me. Do you like it?"

The girl nodded. She stretched out her hand, seeming to touch a lock of hair, but halted a few inches away. Sigyn turned to Thor and asked, "Do you have a knife with you?"

Thor tilted his head quizzically at the odd request but handed his betrothed the dagger he had on his belt, certain she meant no harm to the little girl. Sigyn grabbed a lock of her hair. The blade cut through, and she handed it over to Rúna.

"My gift to you. It will never lose its colour, I promise. Why don't you weave it into a floral crown or headband? Then you can wear it whenever you like."

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