First Draft

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Love no haha (A Mother of Love)


She seemed artificial among the real. She was somehow regal and more sophisticated than the average chick. In the year 2033 artificial life forms were becoming the norm, but were only used to do manual labor and tasks that humans no longer felt obligated to do. Artificial life forms also looked artificial. Some had two heads, three legs, or blue skin.

Kristi North was a drop dead gorgeous sista with a natural ass that turned heads, skin that was flawless flowing milk chocolate, kinky lil’ curls that made up her teeny weenie afro, long powerful legs, and for the hell of it cute lil’ toes to top it off. She held a high power position with Starhouse Industries and was educated at Wentworth University, the most prestigious university of its time. She was bad as hell and only seemed to be getting badder as the days and months went on.

Colleagues noticed that Kristi walked different, talked different, and even looked different after taking a vacation in Japan. She came back with a new zeal and zest for life that she never displayed in the five years of being President of Starhouse Industries. Kristi blamed it on observing the Japanese culture and getting a deserved four weeks away from the hustle and bustle of corporate life. This made perfect sense to her employees who hadn’t seen Kristi take more than a few days off work and even then she called in every hour on the hour to make sure things were running smoothly. They figured this is what the head of a company was supposed to look and act like, so they welcomed the new Kristi North with open arms.

Starhouse Industries was the premiere home for stars of stage and screen. They housed the hottest talent and created the hottest films in the world. Kristi had dreams of being an actress, but never held the total confidence or talent to become a star. She figured if she couldn’t work as an actress then she would immerse herself in the industry. She saw every movie that was released from the time she was eighteen until now at the age of thirty five. She would sometimes spend a whole day alone at the movie theatre soaking up all the vivid images and performances. She carefully took notes on the credits. She took extra special care to seek out certain producers and directors while paying close attention to the Starhouse Industries logo appearing at the beginning of most films.

At Wentworth University Kristi was in the top five percent of her class.  During her senior year she scored an internship at Starhouse Industries where she worked under the CEO, Shad Dodge. After six months of hard work he hired her to be his right hand woman. She quickly became President after the then president slipped and broke his neck on an icy winter morning. Racism was not a huge problem in the year 2033 because seventy percent of the population of the United States was Hispanic or Black, but there was rampant sexism so a woman running a male dominated company caused quite a stir.

Shad Dodge was quite confident in his decision to make Kristi President of the company. Shad who was also African American and gay loved to rub it in the other guys’ faces that there were two bitches running the company and doing a damn good job.

As Kristi made her way home from work one night she passed by her favorite bakery, something she never did but she had to watch her figure, didn’t she? When she got back to her now empty apartment she sat in her favorite lounge seat, the only piece of furniture left in the house that sat in front of a very expensive abstract piece of art on the wall. She sat there and stared at the artwork until she fell asleep. This was her daily routine since returning from Japan thanks to Dr. Kinshi Ochi.

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