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     DOLORES LAWRENCE ( whose been going by lola ever since eight-year-old her decided dolores wasn't nearly rock and roll enough ) IS TOO GOOD FOR POINT PLACE

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DOLORES LAWRENCE ( whose been going by lola ever since eight-year-old her decided dolores wasn't nearly rock and roll enough ) IS TOO GOOD FOR POINT PLACE.

lola's life is a mess. it's comprised of cigarette butts that litter her garage floor, failed stick and poke tattoos that litter her body and song lyrics that litter her mind. she can't catch a break! it's like she's in a big bowl of alphabet soup, with thousands of soggy pasta letters floating around her, but she can't for the life of her use them to form words. in lola's humble opinion, the world can get bent!

     the girl wants to do nothing more than to pack her bags, get on a bus and go somewhere — anywhere that isn't in point place, wisconsin. how she's going to do this with two dollars, a marlboro red and a piece of gum to her name is a mystery to anybody who knows lola. but the girl is adamant. so she, together with her band, decide to finally start performing the crappy rock songs they practice in her run down garage. they're going to rock every bar in wisconsin, and the drunk crowds aren't going to be nearly ready for what's about to hit them!

this poses a problem, because though lola and her friends believe they are the greatness that reside in point place, they won't raise any money performing in a band without a bass guitarist or a band name that sticks for more than a week. ( tommy swore the name frolicking fire would be a hit ). they need an idea, and they need it fast! naturally, after three joints, some deliberating and a lot of cheap beer, the band comes up with a genius, albeit embarrassingly obvious, idea to hold auditions in sadie's garage every sunday for a bass player.

     why steven hyde decides to show up to an audition is the most confusing thing to have happened in the 70s — lola is convinced that he has never touched a bass guitar in his life. he sucks. ass. but, when a week passes and nobody else shows up to auditions to be part of 'POINT PLACE's GREATEST ROCK BAND OF ALL TIME', lola is forced to accept the mediocre rocker into the band. at least she's one step closer to getting out of the shit hole she grew up in.

      if that means tutoring hyde in how to even play the guitar, or dealing with his pleadings to roll a joint before they practice, so be it. if that means she finds herself hanging out with eric forman and his group of losers more often then she'd like, then fine, whatever. because sadie is going places, and nothing can stop her!

     except . . . maybe one thing. and just like that, her entire life plan goes right out the window into a tornado of chaos. nobody mentioned love would be such a problem! shit, at least she has one thing figured out.

     how's the band name ALPHABET SOUP?

     how's the band name ALPHABET SOUP?

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milla jovovich as   .   .   .   lola peterson

shawn andrews as   

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shawn andrews as    . . . steven hyde


rogan heartley 

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rogan heartley  .  .  .   michelle reed  .  .  .  tommy carlson

  tommy carlson

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author's note.

i know there were no laptops in the 70s so the cover doesn't make any sense but i like it it's sexy. peep the dazed and confused cast hehe


this was made on white mode thats the sexiest mode for this fic. no like actually all of the graphics look hideous in dark mode.

enjoy luvs

ALPHABET SOUP,  steven hydeWhere stories live. Discover now