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That was nothing compared to the sight that met me when the double doors swung open. Particles of colourful energy danced over the heads of the crowd, converging to show me where the witches in the room stood.

I faltered, captured by the complex beauty of it.

It was easy to see the individuals of power. Their life-forces synchronised with the witches in their covens, attracting the particles of energy like magnets and merging with them to create a pattern of magic unique to each group.

There were four distinct sets, and two of them were already familiar to me. Hazel and her cronies were here. And of course Roger, with his Southern Coven. In other places I could sense the absence of natural power, and the oppressive thrum of vampire essences.

Let's just say that my gift of power perception was not as bad as I had thought. At least I wouldn't mistake a witch for a vampire. This was going to make my hurried, last minute cramming session a little easier to apply to the mass of people swelling the foyer.

Most of the VIPs had brought private security details. These men and women were something else, something that I couldn't decipher by their power signatures. Their hot, wavering energy was raw; wild like uncultivated nature. It called to something deep in my gut, something primal and savage.

My gaze lingered on a tall black haired woman who was protecting the back of a preening witch. Delicious heat simmered around her form. Sensing my scrutiny, she turned, her movements smooth and effortless. My eyes dropped to her lips, curled into a snarl.

"Did that woman just hiss at me?"

Glancing over, Emily smiled and did a mock salute. Of course she would know the scariest person in the room. They were probably BFFs.

"I wouldn't hold eye contact with Rebecca, she'll take it as a challenge."

"She didn't seem to mind when you did."

"That's because we've fought. I'm dominant." Emily gave me a look that said I would not get the same result.

All right then, I was totally fine with that.

I pulled my power back, fighting the resistance of my silver magic. That kind of potent magnetism was difficult to ignore. But I'd have to swallow my questions about this new group. A flurry of green particles overhead told me that Roger was on his way.

Roger appeared from the bustle of the crowd flanked closely by two large men. Not witch or vampire, but something else, something hot and wild, just like Rebecca.

Of course Roger would have a private security detail. And of course they would be full of delicious natural magic. My eyes flickered to each of the men in turn and then away, following Emily's advice not to challenge them.

The man on the right was scanning the crowd for potential threats, having dismissed me as a danger on sight. It was impossible to ignore the penetrating stare of the man on the left. It was pure heat.

Feigning delight at my appearance, there was no hiding the mean glint in Roger's eyes as he drew up to us. He'd made a huge show of greeting everybody in his path. But I would always be able to see through his joviality after having direct access to twisted fantasies. They had burnt an imprint on my mind.

"Alice, I'm so glad you could come. And I see that you've brought your friends. They are very welcome. Magistrate, I hope you enjoy your evening." Roger sounded genuine. In fact, he appeared delighted by the appearance of my companions. His life-force told a different story.

When Emily responded with a dismissive nod before turning her attention back to Lizzie, the beautiful vampire that was practically glued to her side, the particles of his rich green magic vibrated with hatred and disgust. I had to do something to protect myself from being drawn back into Roger's tainted energy. Perverted torture fantasies were not what I needed running through my head right now.

Concentrating on the buzzing sensation of the silver particles that lay close to my skin, I willed them to slow and then drew them back to me. It wasn't a pleasant feeling, but I'd withstand the clammy weight of unspent energy if it stopped me connecting with Roger's life-force.

Satisfied that I had brought the power to heel, I imagined weaving the particles into tendrils and then wrapping them round and round my heart, liver, lungs and kidneys. The buzzing slowed until it merged with the blood flowing through my veins. All I could sense was the thrum of my heart pushing the blood around my body.

Tonight I had to be my old self. The Alice who faded into the background, who went unnoticed in a crowd.

Taking a step towards Roger, I took his proffered hand. Swallowing the brief flash of malice that travelled through our connection, I smiled. Luckily, Roger's attention had already been swallowed up by his grand assembly. Free from his scrutiny, my eyes shifted to the guard on his right. 

Rather than the studied indifference of a few moments before, wise green eyes bored into me, as if he could see my internal struggle to deal with Roger's repellent vibes. With a quick jerk of the head, the man broke eye contact and gave his attention to a sweep of rest of the room.

I didn't miss the look of utter disgust that he shot at Roger as his eyes travelled over him.

Quickly glancing to my left, I found that Roger's other guard had shifted his attention from me to his partner – their superior height allowing them to see each other right over Roger's head. The two guards' eyes met briefly, a silent communication travelling between them. Mr Left's gaze flickered to mine once again. Heat roared up from somewhere deep at my core.

A small smile crossed his rugged features, creating two dimples the likes of which a Calvin Klein model would kill for.


I was in a room full of unidentified creatures, witches and vampires and I could only pray that they wouldn't all fall victim to the attraction of my life-force.

I gripped the garnet pendant, rubbing the stone. It would have to be enough.

Hmm. Unidentified creatures? Check out my short story Man-eater if you don't mind spoilers.

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