Confessions of America's Sweetheart.

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Visit every continent in the world? Have a world tour and selling almost 500,000 copies of your first album worldwide? Receive free items from every store you go into? 6,000,000 fans and counting following your Twitter account? Have your own mansion at the age of 17? Been there, done that. 

My name is Danielle Perkins. And I'm hailed as America's Sweetheart. For three years now, I've been living the perfect life everyone dreams of having someday. Sounds great? I think so.

I didn't really want to be here at the first place. But it just sorta happened, you know. And besides, the guy who negotiated me into "this" a few years back was cute and look where I am now. 

I know, you're probably thinking how I got this "Deal Of A Lifetime" easily, aside from the cute talent scout whom now I call my manager. To start with, I was very fortunate to be born with good looks. Naturally tanned skin, an hourglass figure, wavy blond hair, dimples on both cheek, perfect set of shiny teeth, and eyes that looks like blue sky.

In other words, people stare at me like I'm a breathing and life-sized Barbie doll.

But not everything is perfect for America's It Girl. 

No privacy. No rest. No time to be yourself and do what you really love. 

I thought if I finally got to be a star, I'll be the happiest girl in the world. I'll help my family and save money for college and pay our debts and buy all things I've ever wanted in life. But it was way far more complicated than I thought.

This is how it's been for a year. Thinking of life's "what-ifs". But it's too late now, because I'm already on the top of life's rollercoaster on the verge of going down. 


Hello, Wattpad-niverse! :) :) :)

So here's a new story I made again, hope you like it even though it's just a prologue. :d And pretty please comment if you want me to post short chapters everyday or long chapters every week-ish. :) I'm going to post Chapter 1 if I'm finished with Chapter 3. Byeeeee. ^___^

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2011 ⏰

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