the basics *.:。.✿

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shifting is the process of consciously moving from one reality to another by tapping into a frequency (the feeling) of the desired reality you want to go to.

cr: current reality
or: original reality
dr: desired reality

~ shifting has been proven possible by the cia or the fbi (i think its the cia but im not 100% sure).

~ you can look however you want, be whoever you want, and be with whoever you want.

~ you can shift to whichever alternate reality you want. i recommend choosing a reality thats already been written about (for example, you can shift to the harry potter or maze runner realities).

~ its totally safe.

~ there's a ton of different methods for shifting.

~ you aren't permanently stuck in your desired reality, you can leave whenever you choose to.

~ when you shift, your body will stil ohysically be in your current reality, it's called your clone. your consciosness/soul is in your desired reality, leaving your body behind.

~ your clone isn't an emotionless robot, its really sinilar to you!

~ you script out your desired reality, it's like writing yourself into a fan fiction, it definitely doesn't have to be as detailed though!

~ your script can be digital, but there is a method where you need a physical copy. i typed mine out and printed it so i can edit it if whenever i want to.

~ shifting takes time and practice so have patience and don't expect it to work the first few times!

im new to shifting to i will be documenting my journey here, so feel free to follow along if you want :)

<3, ellie

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