Who the Hell is Werner?

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I'm not Christian but Merry Christmas everyone! You can always comment or write to me from DM. Hope you like! And if you like, please vote. By the way, English isn't my mainlanguage so, if you see any grammatical errors, please tell me. 

Young man's face brightened when he'd opened the small but beautiful apartment's door. He hung up his coat and put his keys on a random coffeetable. He entered to a small but clean kitchen like the apartment, but, the one who he was looking for wasn't there. He couldn't find the one who he was looking for when he entered the living room either. He furrowed his eyebrows when he'd noticed that the one he was looking for wasn't in workroom, now he was becoming more and more anxious because it was impossible that Hermione Malfoy was sleeping at this time of day (it was 5:30 p.m.) . This was as impossible as Proffessor Dumbledore would give extra points to Slytherin.

While he was walking to bedroom, he realized that he was feeling frightened and brave at the same time. He entered the bedroom quietly, their bed was empty.

Suddenly, he'd heard a sob from the sofa which his wife bought to sit while she was reading. He turned to see the source of the sound and whispered his wife's name. "Hermione..."

When he saw her, he wanted to be wrong because he thought she was crying. "Hermione..." he repeated. He couldn't breathe when she'd raised her head and he'd seen her red eyes, her tearstained puffy face.

Why his wife, the only person he really loved even more than himself, was crying? Who was responsible for his wife's tears? He sat down and hugged her. When he caressed her hair, she hugged him tighter and her crying deepened. Draco was in uncharted waters. The only thing he could do was caressing her hair.

When his frozen brain was capable of making a meaningful sentence, he whispered. "Hermione, what happened? Why are you crying?" Hermione wasn't answering, she couldn't... Her eyes were shut, she winced with agony. "Hermione, just say me who is responsible for this, I give you my word, whoever have donethis, I'll make sure they will regret this."

Of course, nobody can underestimate a Malfoy. If anyone does, they would pay for this. The only thing that Draco followed in his father's footsteps was how Lucius Malfoy loved and respected his wife Narcissa Malfoy. Indeed, Lucius Malfoy has never been hard on his wife. They'd never showed how much they deeply respected and loved each other but Draco knew they loved each other and grew up with this.

Since the day they married, Draco always protected Hermione, not that she needed it, it was because of young man's love to his wife. He just didn't want to see his wife upset.

"Werner..." whispered Hermione.

'Who is Werner?' Draco thought. There was nobody by the name of Werner, neither in the Ministry nor the Death Eaters. Then who the hell was Werner?

"Hermione, who is Werner?" Draco asked. Like it was possible, Hermione tightened the hug.

"Draco, Werner... He... He died."

Draco could understand nothing. Suddenly, Hermione put a book an his lap and showed him a page.

Draco searched for a possible blackmail or threat but there wasn't anything like that. He looked into his wife's eyes. He tried to say 'I really don't understand.' by using his eyes.

This time, Hermione showed him a paragraph. He read it. When he was done, he realized that every nerve and muscle in his body were just relaxed.

There was nobody who threats his wife!

Hermione Malfoy was crying her eyes out for the death of one of the characters in her book.

He hugged her tightly again and said "I am so sorry, love. I really am." There was a smile on his lips when he smelled his wife's hair.

Yes, if you were living with Hermione Malfoy... Well, it was not easy... You could be scared to death 'till you learn that it was just a book character who was dead.

However, Draco Malfoy was determined to live with Hermione Malfoy 'till death do them part.

Hey, thank you for reading. If you liked, you can vote. I hope you liked. I know this is very short but it came to my mind in a class. There was just this moment. Thanks again, have a brilliant day! Love y'all! <3<3 

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