Chapter 8 - The Start Of A Legacy

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Italic Font - Thoughts

Qrow was on board what was left of the Shadow Hand as he remained in the cell while Crane and Cross left to resume repairs and to coordinate with the survivors. Qrow was offered transportation to return to Vale, so he decided to contact his superiors. Qrow pulled out his scroll from his belt and began to call Ozpin. The first time: no answer. The second time: still no answer.

Qrow: "Answer the scroll you old fossil..."

The final time it rung, Qrow was greeted with a very sleepy looking Ozpin not dressed in formal attire.

Ozpin: "Qrow."

Qrow: "Oz."

Ozpin: "I trust you have good reasons for calling me this late into the night, especially during your mission nonetheless? I have a busy day tomorrow."

Qrow held his right hand up in defense while he held his scroll in front of him with his left.

Qrow: "Don't blow your head off Ozpin, I've got some...rather peculiar information for you."

Ozpin simply raised an eyebrow at this and gave Qrow a deadpan expression.

Ozpin: "Then do tell what it is you have found."

Qrow: " I was taking a break in a desert not far from Vale while I was on the mission you gave me. Things were normal at first. I was on my way to my next destination when I saw a shooting star in the sky coming from behind the moon. Next thing I know, another shooting star comes by, but it almost burns my face off."

Ozpin's previously uninterested look changed to one of curiosity and confusion.

Ozpin: "Are you drunk again? Never mind, stupid question. Do explain what you mean by that."

Qrow: "I was lying down watching the shooting stars, and the second one was this big fireball about the size of an Atlesian airship, maybe bigger. It landed in the desert where I'm at now..."

Ozpin: "You're unharmed?"

Qrow: "For the moment. Listen, I..."

Qrow sighed in exhaustion and annoyance at his predicament.

Qrow: "As bizarre as this seems, I think we've got aliens on our planet."

Ozpin laughed slightly at his drunken associate's response to his situation.

Ozpin: "That does indeed sound rather farfetched. Is the alcohol finally proving to be too much for you Qrow?"

Qrow: "Listen Ozzy. I'll admit what I drink does some pretty strange stuff to the body. I even think I see some things sometimes. But I can tell you right now that if I didn't think this was real, I wouldn't have called you."

Ozpin: "He's not wrong..."

Ozpin: "Where are you now. I'll send Ironwood to come take a look."

Qrow: "That's the thing. One of the leaders here...I think, has offered to give me a ride back to Vale."

Ozpin: "How generous."

Qrow: "Yeah, but they shot me and locked me up just to get me to answer some questions. They have a lot of advanced tech, some I don't even think Atlas is capable of making."

Ozpin was rather surprised at his former student's situation.

Ozpin: "Such as?"

Qrow: "Look, I can't explain it all here. It's too much to talk about. Just have Ironwood send two of his ships to guide us to a secure location back at Vale. I'd suggest keeping this between as little people as possible. Even for me, all of this seems too out of my league to explain over a scroll call."

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