Chapter 14 - Teams

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As the Republic team left Ozpin's office, the room was filled with a dead silence. What Crane had requested was certainly not what anyone would have predicted. Ozpin might be an exception though, being as smart as he is. He understood Crane's perspective on the matter which had presented itself in a rather inconvenient time. There was however a more important issue at the moment: assigning teams to the first years. Ozpin moved over to the students and put his hands on his cane. He looked at the students with a very serious and intense expression.

Ozpin: "I trust you students will not discuss anything that has happened here today with anyone outside of this room. Please do not prove me wrong in misplacing that trust."

The students were still a bit taken back by what was going on, but they all understood what Ozpin and Crane were trying to do. They all nodded confidently and waited for Ozpin's next instructions.

Ozpin: "Good. In that case, there is another matter we need to attend to."

Jaune started scratching the back of his neck and gave Ozpin an akward look.

Jaune: "Uuhh...we?"

Ozpin: "That is correct Mr. Arc. We need to assign teams to you all."

Yang: "Oh that's right! We forgot about initiation!"

All of the students eagerly ran back into the elevator, with the exception of Jaune, Ren, and Blake simply strolling over to it. Before the elevator shut, Ozpin talked to the students one last time.

Ozpin: "Since you students appear to have finished early, please make your way to amphitheater. The other students and I will join you in a moment."

Ruby: "Okay. See you there professor!"

The doors shut and the elevator descended to the ground floor. Ozpin's calm demeanor changed quickly into one of concern and fear. Glynda, Ironwood, and Qrow all took notice of this.

Ironwood: "Ozpin."

Ozpin didn't respond.

Ironwood: "Ozpin!"

Ozpin bolted up like a cat jumping out of water and gripped his cane tightly.

Ironwood: "Ozpin, calm down. What's the matter?"

Ozpin hesitated for a minute before finally looking at his three comrades with a very concerned face. He sighed and began to reveal yet another fairy tale.

Ozpin: "Since I've already spared you the trouble of fairy tales and folklore, you should know that yet another story has just proven itself to be reality."

Qrow: "Oh we go again..."

Ozpin: "But it will be a story for another time. Right now, the students should have arrived at the amphitheater by now. Qrow, continue your mission I had previously assigned you on. You are also free to leave General Ironwood. Glynda, if you'd accompany me down to the amphitheater."

Glynda nodded and everyone entered the elevator.

Timeskip - Amphitheater

Ozpin was standing at the top of the stage where holograms of students' faces were being displayed in rows of four. Those students were assigned to four member teams. As teams were being assigned, all of the students were clapping and cheering for the new first year teams.

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