Chapter 17 - The Battle Begins

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Vytal Festival - Crane's Quarters

It's been some time since the Republic went into isolation. This has caused Ironwood and other Atlas officials to grow concerned, and have thus deployed more reinforcements to Beacon much to Ozpin's dismay. Criminal activity has been almost nonexistent, which bothered Blake the most of all. She had let her team convince her that taking time off of trying to find the White Fang and Roman Torchwick was for her own good. She did end up agreeing in the end, but she was still concerned that the crimes suddenly decreased during the festival. Nevertheless, she continued to follow her team. Meanwhile aboard the Shadow Hand, the repairs to the ship have been nearly completed. Crane was in his quarters doing some meditating when the intercom beeped and a voice was heard.

Clone officer: "Commander Crane, please report to the bridge. Repeat, Commander Crane to the bridge."

Crane slowly opened his eyes and stood up from his meditative position. He grabbed his armor and his robe and began his stroll to the bridge. The ship's corridors began to look new again, the crew was buzzing about moving supplies and patrolling. Some were just engaged in small talk or discussions about various subjects. Crane reached the elevator that took him to the bridge. The doors to the lift opened with a swish, and he stepped in. As the doors were about to close, Crimson and Gizmo came running around the corner.

Gizmo: "Wait! Don't shut that door!"

Crane used the Force to hold the door open so Crimson and Gizmo could get in. They hastily entered the lift with Crane and gave a salute. Crane released his grip on the door and then they closed. He pressed the button that lead to the Bridge. He got curious when Crimson and Gizmo didn't select a floor.

Crane: "I take it that you've also been called to the bridge?"

The two clones looked at their leader.

Crimson: "Yeah. Any idea what it's about?"

Crane crossed his arms and began to think, only to find no plausible explanation.

Crane: "Your guess is as good as mine, Crimson."

Once the elevator reached the top of the ship, the lights at the top of the door lit up and the elevator made a beep sound. The doors opened and the bridge was looking better than ever. All of the damage consoles had been repaired, the bulkheads were re-welded, and the officers were buzzing about. The trio stepped out of the elevator and were approached by Captain Cross. Cross motioned them to come over to the console where he was at, so they did.

Crane: "Alright, what's the problem Captain?"

Cross: "That's the thing commander...there is no problem."

Crane: "Uhh...sorry?"

Cross: "Take a look."

Cross motioned to the console in front of him, pressed a few buttons and the screen lit up. On the screen appeared to be a status report of some kind. Some things were listed on the screen.

Weapons: Standing By
Shields: Standing By
Engines: Standing By
Hyperdrive: Offline
Sensors: Online
Communications: Online
Life Support: Online
Main Power: Online
Auxiliary Power: Standby
Emergency Power: Standby

Crane: "I see you got the communications back online. What's the problem?"

Cross: "For some reason, whenever we try to contact the Republic, we get no response."

Crane hesitated for and tried to find a reasonable explanation.

Crane: "Is it possible we're out of range?"

Cross: "That's what I thought too. However, I sent a starfighter up into orbit to check how our communications were to ships in our local system. For some reason...that didn't work either. We had to send up another ship to call the fighter back."

Crane: "So...let me get this straight. Our long and short range communications are completely down, and the system says they're operational?"

Cross: "Yes sir."

Crane paused for a moment and frowned. He crossed his arms and began to see where the conversation was heading.

Crane: "So what you're saying is that the system is malfunctioning..."

Cross: "Or someone is intentionally jamming our signals."

The group was silent for a minute before Crane finally had a sudden loss in energy. He was about to tumble over before Cross caught him.

Cross: "Sir!? Are you alright?"

Crane nodded his head before gripping the console.

Crane: "I...sense a disturbance in the Force... You said our engines are online?"

Cross: "Yes sir...the crew spent a week digging the perimeter of the ship out of the sand. The bottom of the ship isn't looking too pretty, it's mostly beyond repair. Intend on going somewhere?"

Crane paused for yet another moment before turning to his Captain with a serious look.

Crane: "Set course for Beacon. Best possible speed."

Cross: "Yes sir. You heard him boys, let's get the girl ready roll!"

Timeskip - Beacon

The Shadow hand was cruising along the skies of Remnant. Every now and then, the ship would encounter the occasional flying Grimm which was quickly dispatched by the armament of laser cannons on the ship's sides. Remnant was slightly larger than most planets in the Republic, so the ship's engines were being pushed due to the damaged state of the ship. Though it was true most of the damage had been repaired, some efficiency or productivity of the ship's equipment had been affected due to the extensive nature of said repairs. Upon approaching the skies of Beacon, Crane looked upon complete chaos. Grimm of all shapes and sizes were running rampant upon the city, terrorists in some sort of white clothing were attacking alongside the Grimm, and people were being transported from what appeared to be a stadium in the sky. Grimm were being dropped off at the stadium from dropships of some sort as well. There were even Grimm attacking Atlas ships that were desperately trying to defend Vale from the attacks. The bridge crew was slightly in shock so Cross got them back to work.

Cross: "Let's get working people! It's nothing you haven't seen before, so let's do something about it!"

An officer from the communications station toward the back of the bridge spoke up.

Officer: "Sir, we're picking up communications between some of the ships."

Crane: "It's true...the vision was true..."

Cross: "Put it up on the speakers."

Blue Four: "This is Blue Four, Blues Two and Three, fall into defensive position!"

Blue Three: "Roger! Blue Three, in position!"

Blue Four: "Blue Two, what's your status? Blue Two, come in! Someone answer me, dammit!"

After a long delay of silence, Blue Two turned on Blue Four and began firing at the allied warship. Blue Four was immediately crippled and began to fall to the ground.

Blue Four: "We're hit, what's going---?!"

The ship crashed into Blue Three and immediately destroyed both of the ships. As the crew was getting ready for a fight, Cross turned to Crane.

Cross: "What are our orders sir?"

Crane hesitated for a moment before answering his inquiry.

Crane: "We need to stop this."

Crane swiftly turned around and began to walk out of the bridge.

Crane: "Get the fighters in the air and the gunships ready to launch. We're going down there and we're saving those people."

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