Chapter 20 - Game Plan

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Bold Font - Time/Location

Italic Font - Thoughts

Timeskip - Beacon

A Vale civilian transport descended toward the courtyard of Beacon Academy. All of the students that stayed behind along with Professors Oobleck and Port were waiting for evacuation.

Port: "That's it! Everybody on board! This is a mandatory evacuation!"

Oobleck: "A safe zone has been established in Vale. Please, remain calm and listen to Atlas personnel."

Ruby ran up the steps of the courtyard to the landing zone. Weiss' eyes widened and she put her hand over her mouth in shock. She couldn't believe what she was looking at. Ruby came up behind her so Weiss turned around. She was never happier to see Ruby in her life.

Weiss: "Ruby!"

Weiss and Ruby took each other's hands in relief and joy. Ruby looked at Weiss and smiled.

Ruby: "I found you!"

Weiss: "Ruby, where were you---"

Ruby: "Don't worry, I'm fine! What's going on...?"

Weiss looked down in despair and turned to the side so Ruby could see for herself.

Ruby: "Weiss? What is it?"

When Weiss moved to the side, Ruby could only look upon the horror of what transpired. Her friends and even her dog Zwei, battered and defeated and in dire need of medical attention. Ren and Nora were the least hurt of the group. Ren only sustained minor bruises and cuts while Nora had an injury in her right ribcage. What hurt Ruby most of all was Blake lying on the ground with a large cut in her side...holding the hand of an unconscious Yang who had lost her right arm. Blake began to cry and tried to comfort Yang.

Blake: "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...!"

Ruby was tearing up too, and wanted to do something to help. All she could do was watch as her friend and sister suffered.

Ruby: "Yang..."

Sun, a monkey Faunus that they had met a few months ago walked up to Ruby and Weiss to give a report on the situation.

Sun: "Hey...she's gonna be okay. The soldiers have a ship ready to take you guys to Vale."

Nora got up off the ground and told the trio about Jaune and Pyrrha.

Nora: "But Jaune and Pyrrha are still missing."

Nora couldn't get off the ground and winced in pain and gripped at the injury she had in her ribs. Ruby's eyes widened from hearing the news about Jaune and Pyrrha.

Ruby: "What?!"

Sun pointed to the tower where Ozpin's office was and tried to convince them to leave.

Sun: "Look guys! That giant Grimm keeps circling the school! Even the White Fang are pulling out! We all have to go, now!"

Ren tried to get off the ground but he also winced in pain from the injuries.

Ren: "We're not...leaving!"

Sun turned to see Blake holding Yang's hand tightly while Weiss was just in shock. She barely said a word. After a long minute, Ruby broke the silence.

Ruby: "I'll find them... I'll find them and I'll bring them back."

Weiss: "No. WE will find them."

Weiss walked over to Ruby to show her support. She then turned to the rest of her friends who were looking at the duo. They all knew that stopping Ruby from something her mind was set on was nearly impossible.

Weiss: "Watch after Blake and Yang. We'll be back."

Ruby and Weiss turned back toward the steps and bolted as fast as they could to the entrance of the tower. Zwei gave a supportive bark while Sun became irritated.

Sun: "Ugh, you better be!"

Sun sighed in defeat and nodded his head at them for trying to take on that job alone.

Sun: "Idiots..."

Timeskip - Vale

Ironwood, Glynda, Qrow, and Crane and his unit were sprinting toward Beacon, shooting down as many hostiles as they could along the way. Crane decided to call a gunship so they could get there faster.

Crane: "Sparrow, this is Crane. We need a pickup at this location!"

From inside the cockpit of one of the gunships, a clone pilot with black sparrow decals on both sides of his helmet answered the call.

Sparrow: "Copy that sir, I've got your coordinates. We'll be there in a jiff."

The LAAT sped toward Crane as fast as possible. Crane took this time to explain the plan to the trio of heroes.

Crane: "Here's the plan. Since it's obvious Beacon is the target of this attack, first we need to get to Ozpin. A major rule in war is to never leave your leader undefended. He can help us coordinate better. Secondly, I need to know why the school is being targeted. I get that it trains the next generation of huntsmen and huntresses, but this is a lot of planning and coordination just to take down a school."

Crane had a point. Qrow, Ironwood, and Glynda looked at each other with concern before deciding to answer his question.

Glynda: "There's a powerful artifact hidden in a vault below the school. How it's accessed will take some time to explain, but we'll save that for later. It's imperative that we don't allow the enemy to enter the vault."

The ground around them began to circulate with wind and ash from the destruction as the LAAT approached from above. It turned to the side and the doors open as it landed in front of the ten people. They all swiftly entered the cabin and they began to ascend.

Crane: "So we get Ozpin, get to the vault, and neutralize the enemy. Got it."

The intercom of the ship came online as Sparrow spoke through it.

Sparrow: "Where to sir?"

Crane: "Take us to Beacon. It's the area the giant creature is circling."

Sparrow: "Are you sure that's a wise idea sir? If it sees us, I can't guarantee we'll be okay."

Crane: "We're not engaging it. We need a drop-off at the entrance of the tower."

Sparrow: "Copy that sir. I'll do what I can."

The LAAT's engines hummed loudly as it sped toward Beacon as fast as it could.

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