Chapter 39 - Recovery

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Bold Font - Time/Location

Italic Font - Thoughts

The screams and growls of the Grimm shook the debris-covered ground where Yang was standing. It was dark, darker than tar. She could barely see anything, and her heart raced with fear. Deep down Yang knew she wasn't alone, wherever it was she was currently standing. Something was different about this place. She didn't feel the need to get into a combat stance...yet. She carefully looked around the pitch-black ruins, not choosing to move from her current position. The only light source in the area came from...her body? Yang looked down at her arms, seemingly have grown back the one she lost. Rotating her arms to get a good look, she assumed it was a dream after seeing what shouldn't be there. Then it hit her. Yang knew this moment, this place. Not wanting to be correct, she slowly started looking up at the area in front of her, taking as much time as possible hoping she was wrong. One of those moments were maybe if you didn't see it, nothing would happen. It was no good, because she ended up seeing the one thing she was trying to avoid. In front of her was Adam Taurus, walking slowly toward her with such confidence just like the night she lost her arm to him. Something about this was more frightening than the last time, because now the red patterns on Adam's clothing and hair glowed brightly. No longer in control of her body, Yang got into a fighting stance with her Ember Celica gauntlets appearing out of nowhere onto her arms. Realizing there was no escaping Adam, she yelled and furiously punched at Adam from a distance, balls of fire erupting from her gauntlets. Yang might as well have shot into the air, because the blasts passed right through Adam who didn't even stop walking to dodge or deflect Yang's attack. Placing his right hand on the sword to the left of his belt, Adam prepared to repeat his actions that occurred on that fateful night. Yang tried to fire Ember Celica again, but shock overcame her when the gauntlets were no longer on her arms, and even more so when her right arm was now missing once again. Frozen with fear, Yang stood wide-eyed at Adam who was now inches away from her face. He grinned menacingly, and began to drew his sword from his hilt. The sound of metal slicing filled the air and woke Yang up from her nightmare. Gasping for a moment, Yang somewhat expected that to be a nightmare and wasn't as dramatic about it was most would be. Eyeing the room before resting her gaze on the arm her father had gotten her. She rose up from her bed knowing she wouldn't get any more sleep. Hearing commotion from downstairs, Yang became curious at what was happening in her house. At the Rose/Xiao Long Residence, it was late at night when Taiyang was having a get together with Professors Oobleck and Port. This was one of the very few times as of late that motivated Yang to leave her room. Slowly walking down the stairs and looking into the kitchen-dining room hybrid, she decided she'd say hello to her old mentors. Port and Oobleck were laughing at some story of their old days at Beacon apparently.

Port: "And-and-and then, in comes Qrow, wearing a skirt! I was just a T.A., I-I didn't know what to do so I just-I just left the room to laugh!"

More laughter erupted from the trio of men. Yang was standing in the doorway this time, so her view of present company was clear. Taiyang was leaning against the kitchen counter while Oobleck and Port were sitting opposite of each other at a brown wooden table on top of a yellow carpet.

Taiyang: "Yeah, we told him it was a kilt, he'd never worn a uniform before so he didn't know."

Oobleck: "That is terrible! What is wrong with you?!"

Taiyang: "Hey! The girls all said he had nice legs! I did that jerk a favor!"

Port and Oobleck laughed once again before Taiyang continued the story.

Taiyang: "Besides, that's not even the best part! See, then we-"

He was cut off by a loud thump on the table, coming from Port slamming his leg down on the table in front of Oobleck in a comedic fashion.

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