Chapter 43 - Lunatic

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Bold Font - Time/Location

Italic Font - Thoughts

The group of heroes were walking slowly and carefully through the remains of the village. Just as they neared an exit into the wilderness, an uneasy feeling came over Crane. Moving ahead of the group and holding out his arm signaling the team to move no further, crane began to watch his surroundings carefully. Ren sensed it too and he got into a combat stance followed by everyone else. Crane quickly turned to his men and gave his orders in a calm voice.

Crane: "Razor Squad, Bravo Maneuver. Crimson, Gizmo, stay with Ruby's team."

The Clone Commando squad took position in a circle around the group, but weren't close enough to limit movement of the team. Gizmo and Crimson were to the left and right of the Beacon students respectively. Crane grabbed his saber off of his belt and held it out horizontally in front of him, igniting the blades. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and waited for the enemy to strike.

Crane: "Let the enemy strike first...whoever they are...they'll soon reveal themselves. Now where are--"

On cue, Tyrian jumped off the top of a ruined building behind the group and landed in front of them.

Crane: "Gotchya."

The green blades erupted from the silver lightsaber staff with a loud woosh, and Crane crouched down on one knee with his saber to his right, waiting for the first strike. Tyrian laughed maniacally and deployed his knives, which looked like metal claws of some sort mounted onto his wrists. Then he rushed at Crane, who spun his saber for a brief moment in order to prepare himself to counter the attack. While Tyrian was distracted, Ren came out and deflected Tyrian's blades with his own SMG-knife hybrids. Tyrian was too fast and unpredictable for the long-haired boy, and was soon kicked down and away from his opponent. Refocusing on his target, Tyrian began to rush at Crane again. The Clones started firing at Tyrian, who simply sidestepped all of the bullets.

Crane: "Men, stay back! He's too fast! Let us handle him, just focus on protecting the students!"

Ruby dashed forward to engage Tyrian and managed to avoid being hit by his blades. She swung Crescent Rose for a strike, but was deflected by Tyrian's wristblades. Grinning maniacally, he kicked Ruby back and attacked ferociously. He laughed and laughed as he was brutally landing hits on the red-caped girl. Landing the final blow, he slashed across her torso with his weapons. If it weren't for her aura, she'd be a goner by now. With Ruby down for the count, Crane moved in to try and hit Tyrian with his saber, swinging it in horizontal slashes and then going in to try and slice him in half. Unfortunately Tyrian was too fast and dodged every attack. Then he moved onto his next meal. Jaune ran up to Tyrian with his shield, which Tyrian jumped onto and only used as a pedestal of insanity. Jaune stood there helpless in fear as he looked into Tyrian's eerie yellow eyes, while Tyrian laughed. Nora ran toward Jaune to try and land a hit on Tyrian, but the villain pushed off of Jaune's shield sending Jaune into the ground. Tyrian crashed into the remains of an old building, and used his legs to stabilize himself between the walls. Getting back up, Jaune rushed over to Ren followed by Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: "Stand down!"

Jaune: "We're not looking for a fight!"

Ren: "Who are you?"

Crane: "Not that it matters."

Tyrian grinned at the kids, and jumped down from his spot within the damaged building. Landing in front of them, he stood back up tall and struck an elegant pose.

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