Chapter 44 - Tyrian Callows

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Italic Font - Thoughts

There was no need to fear. Qrow saved Ruby and Crane from destruction via scorpion tail. Now all that there was left to do was clean up the mess. Tyrian spun around away from Qrow to start talking again. Qrow turned around from Ruby to confront Tyrian, holding his silver blade out to his side. His weapon was a long sword with ridges horizontally across the blade. The hilt consisted of a maroon, leathery handle with a black ring that housed various silver cogs and gears within it. Tyrian outstretched his arms for dramatic affect and began to monologue again.

Tyrian: "Hah! As I live and breathe! Qrow Branwen."

Taking a bow and dropping his arms to his sides, he started to giggle and creepily glare at Qrow. Qrow simply responded by looking back at Ruby with a confused and concerned look.

Ruby: "I don't know, this guy's weird."

Gizmo: "You said it."

Razor Squad started to move behind Tyrian while the Faunus looked to his sides with a grin. Looking back at Tyrian, Qrow decided to be the more ethically correct individual and attempted to give Tyrian a chance to stand down.

Qrow: "Look pal, I'm not sure who you are, but you need to leave my niece alone."

Tyrian chuckled a little and responded.

Tyrian: "Why friend, my name is Tyrian. And I'm afraid that is not possible. My assignment from Her Grace was to retrieve this young girl, and the boy with the saber. So, that is what I must do. One does not upset the Queen."

Ruby stood up using Crescent Rose to stabilize herself while she healed. Crane was still unconscious, and Crimson and Gizmo were crouched down next to him while aiming their blasters at Tyrian.

Ruby: "Queen?"

Qrow narrowed his eyes, now knowing who the man really worked for.

Qrow: "Salem..."

Ruby: "Who?"

Tyrian growled and decided it was time to finish what he started.

Tyrian: "I think we've had enough talk now, don't you?"

Tyrian crouched on his legs and prepared to attack.

Qrow: "You took the words right out of--"

Tyrian: "HYAH!"

Tyrian dashed at Qrow attempting to land a strike on Ruby's uncle with his tail. Sparks came off of Qrow's sword as he quickly deflected Tyrian's stinger. The combatants jumped around, trying to land a hit on each other in any way they could. Both of them were equally matched. Tyrian ran at Qrow once more and jumped up in front of him. Qrow prepared for the attack and swung his sword up, impacting with Tyrian's tail and sending him back. The opponents began to bounce around more, narrowly avoiding or deflecting each others' hits. Qrow tried to overwhelm Tyrian with brute force, and jumped into the air with his sword in front of him followed by rapid somersaults. Tyrian positioned his stinger to intercept the attack and he hunched over onto the ground. As Qrow's blade impacted with his tail, the resulting force knocked the corner off one of the damaged buildings behind them. Tyrian locked his wristblades with Qrow's sword and grinned at Qrow, who was smiling cockily. Taking the Huntsman by surprise, two barrels appeared from under Tyrian's blades. Once a series of loud bangs were heard followed by objects moving quickly past him, it was clear to Qrow that Tyrian was someone who was unpredictable. And also had guns. Moving his head back narrowly avoiding the bullets, the team continued their deadly dance. Tyrian kept running around laughing manically while Qrow spun his blade around, blocking the bullets coming from the enemy. The Clones could do nothing but watch. This was way out of their league. Team JNPR on the other hand weren't out of the fight yet. Nora and Ren began to charge at the hostile Faunus while Pyrrha, Ruby, and Jaune helped Gizmo and Crimson defend the downed Jedi. Ren and Nora were about to attack, until Tyrian leaned over looking back at the duo whilst firing bullets...upside down. Ren and Nora tried to come at him from two different angles, but Tyrian crouched down and deflected Nora's hammer and Ren's knives with his own blades. After deflecting the attack, he spun around on the ground and kicked the teens away from him to keep them off balance. He started running toward them until Qrow ran in front of him and blocked his blades with his sword. Caught in another blade lock, Tyrian tried twisting the sword out of Qrow's hands with his blades while Qrow himself countered by putting one hand on the flat end of his blade pushing forward. Fearing the lives of the students and his niece, Qrow warned them off.

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