Chapter 47 - Hero

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Bold Font - Time/Location

Italic Font - Thoughts

Light danced from above the treeline the group was sleeping in. The birds were singing their songs and the leaves of the fauna rustled lightly in the cool morning breeze. Crane was lying down next to a tree while the Clones used various rocks as pillows to sleep against. Qrow took the night watch and was hunched up against a tree while his hands rested over the nasty cut he received from Tyrian. The first to wake was Ren, sighing while leaning up in his purple sleeping bag.

Ren: "We should probably get moving."

Jaune swiftly followed, indicating that they had been awake for some time.

Jaune: "Yeah, yeah."

Pyrrha: "Not like Haven is going to wait for us."

They were interrupted by the sound of a violent cough coming from Qrow. Looking over at the huntsman, the bandage over his white and gray shirt was tainted in a purple color. The rest of the team woke up and saw what was happening. Ruby ran over to her uncle and crouched down next to him. Qrow kept coughing and brought his hand up to his mouth so he wouldn't get anyone sick if that was the case. He only wished it was, because when he looked on his hand after he stopped coughing, he saw that it was covered in the same purple substance. Ruby's eyes widened as she gasped, and her chest became heavy with worry realizing that Qrow had been poisoned. Qrow looked up at his silver-eyed niece in concern and sighed.

Qrow: "Well...that's unfortunate."

Finally, Qrow fainted from the stress of...well, everything. Ruby grabbed Qrow's shoulders and tried shaking him awake.

Ruby: "No, uncle Qrow...Uncle Qrow! Don't-"

Just when she thought things couldn't get worse, ANOTHER cough was heard albeit not as loud. As if they were trying to hide it. Everyone looked at one another...all besides Crane. The group's gaze finally rested on Crane, who had one eye shut in pain while trying to cover his mouth. Looking back up at the team in surprise, he realized he had been found out. Ruby ran over to her Jedi friend and rested hers hand on his shoulders.

Star: "Sir?"

Crane: "Uh, you see, I...well...shit."

Ruby: " not you too!"

Ruby couldn't take it anymore. She was tired of losing so many people. She hugged the brown-haired boy in his damaged dark brown robes, never wanting to let go.

Ruby: "You can't die! Just stay with us!"

Crane coughed a bit more before looking at Ruby with sincerity radiating from is blue eyes.

Crane: "Hey, hey...I'm...not going out just yet...I can manage..."

The warrior grunted a little and gripped his wound while standing up, using the tree behind him as support.

Crane: "Like you and Qrow said...we need to get to Haven."

Two Years Ago - The First Battle Of Geonosis

It was hot, dry, sandy...and chaotic. The opening battle of the Clone War was one of the bloodiest in the war to date. Red and blue blaster bolts danced off of the orange sand of the Geonosian canyon a familiar hero was fighting in. The warrior was brandishing his signature double-bladed green lightsaber chopping down the B1 Battle Droids shooting at him and deflecting back their red blaster bolts.

Crane: "Master Dreidon, there are too many!"

As a Droid was about to get the drop on the young Padawan, a tall man with a blond hair that was slicked back, green eyes, and a brown goatee cut it down with his blue lightsaber.

Dreidon: "That does not matter Padawan! We must push them back!"

Crane: "B-but, I-I-"

Dreidon grabbed Crane by the shoulders and held his blue lightsaber above his shoulder, and yelled at his apprentice.

Dreidon: "How do you wish to die?! In battle and with honor...or by my lightsaber?!"

This caused some Clones around them to stop firing and stare at their leaders. Two Clones slowly moved over to Crane to try and defend him. Everything else fell silent. The rumbles of the explosions and the sizzles of the blaster fire hitting the ground seemed to fade away.

Clone Trooper: "Sir, with all due respect...I don't believe this is proper treatment."

Dreidon glared over at the trooper who tried questioning him.

Dreidon: "That's not up for you to decide. What's your CT number?"

Clone Trooper: "My designation is CT-0608. And sir, we're all on the same side."

Dreidon: "Well then trooper, if you don't want the crimson blood of your brothers on your armor, I'd get back to shooting the enemy."

Looking back at Crane, he tried to force his Padawan to go out there and fight.

Dreidon: "Now Crane, get back out there and-"

CT-0608: "Heh...Crimson...I like it..."

Confused and angry that he was disobeying his orders, Dreidon looked back at the Clone who dared defy him.

Dreidon: "What are you doing? What are you going on about now?"

CT-0608: "My name, sir. Crimson sounds right to me."

Dreidon growled at Crimson. Deciding he didn't have time for this, he prepared to strike the Clone down. The other Clone next to Crimson stepped forward. He had red markings along his arms and shoulder pads, and around the visor of his helmet trailing down to the chin. This indicated that this Clone was a captain of some sort.

Clone Captain: "I would not try anything you'd regret...sir."

All of the other Clones in the area felt this bad feeling in their stomach. The kind that you get when you know there's no turning back...when something horrible is about to happen. Unfortunately...Dreidon proved them correct that something bad was indeed about to happen. Rushing at the Captain with his blue lightsaber, he prepared to strike. As the captain raised his blaster along with every other Clone in the area, Dreidon's strike was deflected by Crane's green lightsaber, held out horizontally in front of the captain.

Crane: "Master! Stop!"

Dreidon growled and used Force Push on Crane, sending him back and hitting the rock wall of the narrow canyon. Then the rogue Jedi glared back at the captain, hatred in his eyes, but most of all...fear.

Clone Captain: "Troopers, General Dreidon is no longer fit for command! Weapons to stun and detain him!"

As fast as the captain had barked his order, all of the Clones started firing their blasters at the Jedi, who was dodging all of the blue doughnut-shaped stun rounds. As he was about to land a hit on the captain once again, he felt a sudden pain in his abdomen What Dreidon wasn't expecting was young Crane, tears in his eyes as his master was impaled by his green saber. Moving the saber from his master's body and deactivating it, he started crying. The young Padawan fell to his knees and covered his face in his sand-covered hands while his former teacher laid lifeless on the ground in front of him. The captain walked over to the Jedi and crouched beside him, putting his arm around the kid's shoulders.

Captain: "It's over...sir. If you didn't cross him off, we'd...we'd be..."

Crane looked back up to the Clone in red striped armor. As he looked around him, he knew that his brothers were here. The ironclad warriors in white watched with intent as Crane got off of his knees, wiping the tears and wetness from his face. Taking a good look around him, he knew if anyone found out, there would be repercussions.

Crane: "We...we can't let anyone else know about this...I don't want my master to be remembered as a traitor, or a coward. I want him to be remembered as the man who raised me and taught me everything I know. Who up until this moment, knew exactly what he was fighting for...this stays between us. I will watch over each and every single one of you. I can tell you this...I'm not going out just yet..."

All of the Clones stood around Crane up and saluted their new leader.

Crane: "Alright...let's finish what we started."

[DISCONTINUED] The Soldiers Of Remnant - (RWBY + Star Wars Crossover)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora