Chapter 48 - Sacrifice

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Ruby helped Crane step forward from the tree. Even though the fight with Tyrian was over, that sense of tension and dread remained in everyone's stomachs. Crane looked over toward his men, sensing whatever it was causing this feeling was approaching.

Crane: "Men, prepare for-"

A sound similar to that of a thunder clap or explosion rung in the ears of the heroes. Turning their heads around to see if they could identify whatever it was that caused the sound, Pyrrha pointed in the sky to see a large blue and gray object flying toward the area in front of them.

Pyrrha: "There!"

Ren squinted his eyes at the object.

Ren: " that?"

The object appeared to have a propulsion system of some sort, evident by the fact that there were flames and a trail of light smoke coming from behind its lower legs and shoulders. As the object got closer, Crane's team knew all too well what it was.

Gizmo: " that-"

Crane: "If it is..."

The object didn't reduce its velocity until the last minute, causing it to violently crash onto the surface of the ruined village they had fought Tyrian in. Dust and smoke covered the eyes of the group, rendering the object visible only through blue lines of energy on its chest and arms lighting up an area in the smoke. Whatever it was had landed on its legs and was menacingly standing in front of them. The dust cleared, and everyone prepared their weapons to face it down.

Crane: "'s not one we've seen before."

Crane ignited his green lightsaber and the Clones readied their weapons. Qrow was still unconscious, so obviously he needed protecting. Knowing this, Crane turned back toward Razor Squad and had them solve the problem.

Crane: "Razor Squad, defend Qrow! We can't let that Droid get anywhere near him!"

Scar: "Got it."

Razor Squad moved back and formed a defensive perimeter around the poisoned huntsman while Crane, Gizmo, and Crimson prepared to attack the Droid.

Crane: "Crimson, aim for the legs! Gizmo, hit the torso! I've got the arms!"

Crimson: "Got it boss!"

Blue laser bolts started to burst from their blasters and head toward the Droid. What they didn't expect was the bolts to suddenly dissipate when a blue shield with a hexagonal pattern appeared around the front of the Droid.

Gizmo: "What?!"

Crimson: "Well that'"

Team JNPR and Ruby began to fire dust rounds at the Droid from their weapons, which were also deflected as the target just stood there.

Jaune: "It's not working!"

Pyrrha: "Crane, this is your field of expertise! How do we beat-"

Crane charged at the Droid with his green lightsaber held to his right side with one blade going diagonally upward in front of his chest and the other downward toward the ground.

Pyrrha: "-it...?"

The Droid still didn't move even with the Jedi about to strike it. As said warrior was about to bring his saber down for a vertical slash, the target quickly extended two long blades from its right wrist and pierced the teenager through his stomach. Time seemed to stop for everyone. Shock, pain, and confusion were all that filled Crane's mind. He slowly averted his gaze from the Droid down to the blades that were now going through his body. The sensation...wasn't what he was expecting. Despite the pain, he felt a little warmth around the punctured area. His vision began to darken as he turned back to see his allies, scared out of their minds. All the strength had faded from his body, resulting in him deactivating and dropping his saber onto the ground as the Droid raised its arm slightly in front, observing what it had done. Next came the waterworks from their eyes. Ruby couldn't believe what she just saw. Her eyes widened and began to glow a bright silver.

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