Chapter 51 - Genesis

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Bold Font - Time/Location

Italic Font - Thoughts

Mistral - 2 Months Ago

Away from the troubles of the world, a small boy with tan skin and freckles under his eyes sat on his bed reading a book with a lamp sitting beside him. The orange light being the only source of light in the room allowed his dirty white collar shirt with orange straps and brown pants with wear and tear to become visible. The room around him was almost empty and made of a dark wood. Beyond his shut door, he heard a voice call out to him.

???: "Oscar, supper's almost ready!"

The boy known as Oscar lifted his black-haired head up slightly and shouted back down at whoever was calling him. His voice wasn't aggressive. It was soft, and every word he spoke was crafted in a way that made it gentle.

Oscar: "What're we having?"

???: "Doesn't matter! You're eating it!"

Oscar smiled playfully and responded.

Oscar: "I never agreed to these terms!"

???: "It's part of the "living under my roof" contract! Read the fine print, then come wash up."

Oscar turned the page of his book and then averted his greenish-yellow eyes to the door. A small thud became audible as he shut the book closed. Sighing, he got up from his bed and began to walk to the door. His casual movement was interrupted when suddenly he became disoriented and heard the voice of a man speak in his head.

???: "We have to leave."

Gritting his teeth, he tried to ignore the voice and began to walk forward clearly upset. The voice began to repeat his name until it spoke sternly.

???: "Oscar."

The tan-skinned boy stopped with his orange glove inches from the doorknob. Moving his hand back to his side after a moment, he shut his eyes and attempted to block out the voice.

Oscar: "I've decided you're not real, so you might as well just give up."

Evidently this voice had spoken before. Something about it felt...familiar, to him. That however just made it all the more unsettling.

???: "I understand how you're feeling. I went through the same panic and confusion."

Oscar looked around while he clenched his fists. He turned back around to look at his books open on the floor. He walked over and began to store them back on his shelf while further attempting to convince himself that whatever this voice was would go away.

Oscar: "It's not real. It's not real. It's not real."

He stood up and looked out the window above his shelf to view his reflection.

???: "I can assure you, you're perfectly sane."

Oscar: "I'm talking to a voice in my head."

???: "I didn't say you were normal. I said you were sane."

Oscar tensed up and started to storm out of his room.

???: "There's quite a significant difference between-"

Oscar: "SHUT UP!"

He stopped at the door suddenly with his arms to his sides.

Oscar: "You think this is funny? It's not."

???: "We are in complete agreement on that matter, I promise you. Believe me, I wish this weren't the case. But as I've told you, our Aura, our souls, are combined."

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