Chapter 54 - The Journey Begins

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Bold Font - Time/Location

Italic Font - Thoughts

Yang was just finishing up spray painting her new arm with her signature yellow color. She stood up from her workspace on the ground outside and smiled at her work. Cross was standing next to her, back in his damaged armor.

Cross: "Looks good."

Yang giggled and playfully nudged Cross in the shoulder.

Yang: "Yeah? So when are you gonna let me paint your armor?"

The Clone froze in fear.

Cross: "Don't. You. Dare."

After a moment, the two burst out in a laughing fit. Said laughter went on for a few seconds before they moved over to the garage. Yang swiftly opened the wooden door of the garage and rested her eyes on a brown cloth covering up a large object. Cross leaned against the doorway as Yang removed the cloth to reveal her yellow and black motorcycle that she called Bumblebee. Cross whistled in approval.

Cross: "Not bad."

Yang turned back and gave Cross an approving smile. What she didn't expect to see was her father standing right behind Cross. Cross was seemingly confused by what she was looking at, and turned his head to look.

Cross: "HOLY-"

He jumped like a scared cat when he saw Taiyang right next to him.

Taiyang: "Relax!"

Cross leaned against the shed with his palm over the face of his helmet in embarrassment.

Cross: "It's not often someone can sneak up on me like that."

Taiyang looked at the Clone cheekily. Then he turned to Yang and leaned against the doorway with a concerned expression on his face.

Taiyang: "I don't remember saying that you were ready."

Yang: "Oh yeah? You gonna try and stop me?"

The blonde huntsman chuckled and crossed his arms.

Taiyang: "Haha, no...I think I'm still too sore after our last fight. I just wanted a better goodbye than a letter. And...I also have a question for you...where are you going?"

Yang: "What do you mean?"

Taiyang: "Well...despite asking him numerous times not to, I know that Qrow told you where your mother's been at these days. I know how much you wanna see her. I've stopped you in the past, but I won't anymore. And we both read the note. We know your sister's headed to Mistral. So...where are you going?"

Yang paused for a moment. She really REALLY wanted to find out if Ruby's okay, and to see Crane again. Why Crane? Well...back during her years in Beacon, there was an incident with Roman Torchwick and the White Fang at Mountain Glenn, an expansion of Beacon that was overrun by Grimm in its early years. During Team RWBY's first mission, they had to stop a hijacked train from breaching Vale's defenses and allowing Grimm inside. During the fight with some White Fang members and Roman Torchwick on board, Yang got in a fight with Neo, Roman's subordinate. Yang was defeated by Neo and was about to be severely injured...or killed. Crane was secretly on board the train and jumped in to rescue Yang at the last moment. When she came to, she found Crane shielding her against a masked figure who said something to him. Instead of attacking however, the figure opened up a red portal of some sort and walked through, leaving them alone. Since then, she had developed the tiniest little crush on him, but since she knew Jedi couldn't pursue romance she didn't really try. More importantly however, Crane was the only person on the planet she trusted so much besides her friends and team from Beacon, Qrow and, Taiyang. He had always gone out of his way to keep the planet safe from what she knew about beyond in space. After a long thought, she looked up at Cross with concerned eyes. Those concerned eyes filled with determination and confidence when she looked at her father and made her choice.

Yang: "I'm going to find my mom."

Cross: "And she won't be alone. I'll help her out."

Taiyang smiled and walked away, leaving Cross and Yang in the garage.

Cross: "And no, I'm not riding that thing. I think I know where I can get a ride. Get your bike and follow me."

Confused, Yang tilted her head as Cross walked out of the garage.

40 Minutes Later - Patch Island

After a long walk, the duo came upon the shore of the island. Visibly confused by why they were at the beach, Yang parked her bike up against a tree and scratched her neck.

Yang: "So...why are we here exactly?"

Cross began to frantically search around.

Cross: "I think that...maybe..."

Cross stopped and was filled with delight upon finding his crashed LAAT behind some rocks.

Cross: "There it is!"

Yang perked up and ran over to Cross. Cross began to search behind the LAAT under some rubble while Yang sighed. Watching the mighty soldier digging through the sand and debris like a child was amusing for her, especially with Cross murmuring in annoyance.

Cross: "C'mon...get outta there, you..."

Cross suddenly stopped and shouted in joy.

Cross: "YES!"

Yang: "What? What is it?"

Cross: "This...

Cross pulled a light gray, slightly scorched vehicle of some sort out from behind the crashed gunship. The vehicle was floating, had a single seat, and had an almost skeletal-like appearance with red patterns on it. The most notable feature was the four small gun barrels located on the nose and on the shoulders.

Cross: " my BARC Speeder."

Yang stared at the vehicle in awe.

Yang: "Okay...that ride's pretty cool."

Cross: "And faster than YOURS I'd wager."

Yang gained a devilish smirk across her face.

Yang: "We'll see about-"

She was interrupted by rustling in the bushes. Having a good idea of what it was, the two prepared for combat. A bear-like Grimm charged from the forest at the two. Just as Yang was about to strike, a familiar electric pulse sound made its way into their ears. The two froze in disbelief when a light brown robed figure darted their way past the two with a lightsaber. Something about their lightsaber was different. Instead of it being a green dual-bladed saber staff, it was a single hilt saber that ignited a blue blade. The lightsaber wielder stopped right at the feet of the Grimm and front-flipped into the air. Almost instantly after, their saber punctured the torso of the beast and then cut it in half. The defeated Grimm roared out before falling over and turning to ashes. However, two smaller boar-like Grimm emerged from the bushes and began to charge. They were instantly dispatched by familiar blue blaster fire. Two Clones in newer black and yellow armor rushed ahead. After the threat was neutralized, they turned back to the two. Once they saw Cross, they looked at each other in confusion.

Clone 1: " that a relic or am I going blind?"

Clone 2: "Phase 1 armor? Who is this guy?"

???: "That's not why we're here guys."

The voice was female. She spoke with confidence and authority. Whoever it is turned to face Yang and Cross. She removed the light brown robe from her head revealing moderately long blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

???: "We're here to find my brother."

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