Chapter 57 - Battleground

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Yang glanced at the new commander who confidently walked through the bridge giving orders. Alarms were sounding all around and the ship jolted left and right from the frequent hits of enemy fire. Jackett seemed slightly alarmed by the damage the Reliant was sustaining, so he turned to one of the naval officers in the bridge control centers and yelled.

Jackett: "Are our shields even up?!"

Naval Officer: "They're taking a beating sir!"

There wasn't much more they could do for damage reduction, so the commander turned to the weapons officer.

Jacket: "Tactical could I trouble you to FIRE at something?!"

Tactical Officer: "Doing what I can sir!"

Sinalla: "Helm, set course bearing zero-two-seven mark negative zero-one-zero! Alpha and beta gunners prepare to target the warship approaching from bearing zero-three-two mark negative zero-zero-five! Have our squadrons take care of everything to our port side!"

A sudden explosion larger than felt before rocked the ship and everyone in it around. The eyes of the naval officer in charge of the shields widened in disbelief as the shields were taken down. It looked like one of the Separatist warships had turned one of its cannons into a large ion cannon. Because of the ion cannon's nature of doing large damage against shields and power systems, it made sense the shields were taken down so easily. What didn't make sense was the fact that the Separatist ship was even equipped with one. Typically warships of the Confederacy didn't have ion cannons as standard issue weapons. The only exception was the Subjugator Class Heavy Cruiser Malevolence, but that was destroyed three years ago. It was highly unlikely that there was another Subjugator here, it would have been reported through communications channels, the power of the Reliant would be completely disabled, and finally someone would have SEEN it because with its size it's hard to miss.

Naval Officer: "General, our shields are down!"

An alarm sounded for a moment before another officer on the bridge spoke up.

Officer: "General! We're being boarded!"

Yang's heart dropped that that announcement. Cross was right when he assumed the Droids wouldn't just attack from outside the ship...and she hated that he was right. She quickly looked over to Cross, who gave her a nod in affirmation that it was time to get their hands dirty. The duo quickly walked over to General Sinalla.

Cross: "General, requesting to move to the main hangar to repel the enemy."

Sinalla didn't really have any objections to his request. It's not like he was needed on the bridge, nor was Yang. She granted their request with a nod, prompting the two to quickly rush out of the bridge. As they ran down the halls, occasionally having to steady themselves after the ship sustained an impact, Yang needed to know what to do.

Yang: "Cross. As I've said before, I don't know how to fight these things. What do you need me to do?"

Cross didn't stop sprinting to answer her question.

Cross: "Droids only use blasters. Stick to using your gauntlets. I know how well you can use them since I saw you in the Vytal Festival tournament."

Yang's eyes widened in horror when she heard he watched her on the broadcast. Even so, she didn't stop running.

Yang: " saw that-"

Cross: "That it wasn't your fault. I'm a soldier, Yang. I can tell when someone is suffering from combat related stress. You were not. After the tournament when Vale was attacked, it became obvious that you were set up. The same thing won't happen again."

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