003 | "it's him.."

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Stress, panic and chaos is what Hujiang is right now. Hujiang has always been a peaceful town.. Until the Fire Nation decided to pay a visit. Me and Teacher Haji tried our best to calm down everyone even if we knew it was impossible.

The Fire Nation's air balloons landed and the population of Hujiang was standing a few meters away from it. The doors to the air balloons opened up, revealing a soldier one after another until a black hair boy showed up in the air balloon in the middle.

"It's him..'' I whispered as I looked at him full of anger in my whole in my body.

He walked out from the air balloon with an evil smile on his face meanwhile Hujiang looked at him full of fear. or everyone expect me. If I could, I would run up to him and hit him until he can't breath but I know it's better if I do nothing.

"Hujiang.. I am Prince Jay from the Fire Nation" Prince Jay started.

"This is such a small and peaceful place and I bet you have nothing to hide but I have been ordered to search through your town. Or maybe you have hidden something.. hide something like an earthbender" Prince Jay replied and looked at my direction.

Everyone started to walk to their house so the Fire Nation could look through it. Mother and father found me and hugged me tightly as we started to walk towards our house together. Me, mother and father were standing against the wall of our houses just like everyone else meanwhile one of the soldiers walked in and started to search around.

One soldier after another arrived at our neighbour's houses and without being surprised at all, showed Prince Jay up in front of our house.

"It's going to be quick, I promise" Prince Jay said and looked at us with a smile.

Mother and father quickly nodded as a response meanwhile I continued to have this anger inside me which is impossible to disappear if Prince Jay is around me.

"Beautiful young lady, I want you to show me everything" Prince Jay added and continued to have a smile on his face before walking into my house.

I immediately followed Prince Jay and walked behind him before he turned around so he was facing me. Prince Jay chuckled when we made eye contact meanwhile I crossed my arms while I felt the anger inside becoming, bigger and bigger..

"What are you doing? You said you weren't going to do anything to Hujiang so why are you here?!" I screamed whispered at him just to make sure my parents didn't hear me.

"I am not going to do anything.. I do have an order to search through your precious town but that doesn't mean I'm going to do anything" Prince Jay replied while looking so proud when he said it.

"So let me ask you once again, are you the only earthbender in Hujiang? If you answer correnty will I make sure nothing happens" He added.

"It's me and Teacher Haji. We're the only earthbenders in Huijang" i responded.

I don't even know why I said it because this might be another mistake.. but something tells me it's better. Hopefully this will not end up being another mistake.

"Good, thank you Aeji" Prince Jay said and smiled before he walked out of the house again.

I signed before I followed Prince Jay out of the house again. Mother immediately pulled me into a hug as soon as I stepped out from the house. When she broke the hug, she held my hand as I placed myself between her and father.

I looked up at Prince Jay who gave me a smirk and then started to walk away. finally. We needed to wait for a few more minutes until we needed to gather up again in the same place as before. While walking towards my destination, I searched for Teacher Haji just to make sure nothing had happened to him.

"They didn't do anything to you right?" I asked while placing a hand on his shoulder.

"At first they did, they found my earthbending scrolls and put shackles on me. Then Prince Jay suddenly showed up and told them to stop" Teacher Haji answered.

"Prince Jay did what?" I responded confused.

Even if I wanted to hear the full story, I couldn't because we had arrived at our desiantion. But.. did I do the right thing? I did the right thing to tell Prince Jay me and Teacher Haji are the only earthbenders in Hujiang? if I didn't.. Maybe they would take away teacher Haji.

"Just like I suspected, this is a small and peaceful place and has nothing to hide. Thank you for giving me your time" Prince Jay said before walking back into the air balloon.

The soldiers followed him and when everyone was on board, they finally started to depart. Everyone in Hujiang could breathe out while watching the Fire Nation leave. Everyone started to come up to me and Teacher Haji to make sure everything was fine.

"Aeji!" My best friend Daye suddenly showed up and gave me a tight hug.

"I have been so worried, I thought the fire nation would take you away from me" she added.

"It's fine Daye, no one will ever separate us" I replied.

Daye slowly broke the hug and looked at me with a wide smile on her face. Even if I wanted to talk with Daye a little bit more, does my body feel so exhausted after this whole experience.

I walked inside the house once again, recalling what happened earlier.. I shaked off my toughts and continued on my way towards my room. I laid down on my bed and placed one arm under my hand while looking at the ceiling above me.

"I know you're tired Aeji but do you still want to leave for Ba Sing Se tomorrow? After this experience, maybe we shouldn't leave so soon to Ba Sing Se" Teacher Haji suddenly said.

"I want to leave for Ba Sing Se tomorrow" I replied while I still looked at the ceiling above me.

"Then I know" Teacher Haji said before he left me alone again.

I do feel bad for leaving Hujiang after something like this, I do but I want to go to Ba Sing Se. All I can do is cross my fingers and hope the fire nation doesn't decide to come back here.

It all depends on Prince Jay and how trustworthy he actually is..

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