025 | sleepless night

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:: JAY

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:: JAY

What was I thinking? I can't even explain myself either which makes me question myself more. I have met Aeji like 6-7 times and I only needed one to make her stuck in my head. It's like what I almost told Aeji, I'm not used to having friends or making friends in general but she already has a big place in my life.

Having this relationship with her is something I have never experienced with anyone, that's why Aeji already has a big part in my life. I do have a very close relationship with Jun, he's my best friend and the only friend in my life as well, then Aeji showed up one day.

Compared to my life experience with friends, is Aeji used to have and make friends which makes us see our relationship in two different ways. Aeji have Jake, Riki and Daye, but also Teacher Haji and the entire Hujiang who adores her meanwhile I only have Jun. So I understand why Aeji will never see me as a friend but I don't understand why she keeps acting like one.

I let out a loud sign as I sat up on my bed, just staring at the darkness around me. It's in the middle of the night but no matter how hard I try, I can't fall asleep. After meeting Aeji earlier has my mind been busy thinking about her, and it's more than usual.

I decided to get up, go outside to breathe in some fresh, cold night air which will hopefully help me to fall asleep. I opened my front door to my house and began walking out and through the neighborhood. This time, I decided to walk another direction than I usually do and to my suprise, I found a small forest in the middle of everything.

I was getting ready to walk towards the forest but stopped my feets from walking when I saw a piece of paper underneath me. I picked it up and began to look at it closely, it's an advertisement for the northern Water Tribe's healing. The advertisement also had a drawing of Jake and two girls on it, Jake in the middle and the two girls beside him. 

My eyes were stuck on the drawing of Jake. Just by looking at him can I feel anger starting to boil up inside of me. I looked up again and the forest in front of me at the same tide an idea popped up in my head. My feets started to walk again forwards the forest while I looked around me, just to make sure I'm the only one awake at this hour.

I arrived a little deeper inside the forest when I found the right place to perform my idea. I placed the advertisement in front of a stone and then walked a few meters away from it. I sat down on the cold ground and took one last glance at the advertisement until I closed my eyes and went to meditation mode.

Thanks to Aeji, have my meditation improved and I can finally be able to calm down, which means that she has also helped me with my lightning as well..

My body quickly began feeling relaxed and calmed down and without thinking twice, I opened my eyes again while I shot lightning towards the advertisement, right at Jake's face. I formed a smirk while I looked at the hole in the middle of the paper, the hole I created because of lightning. 

"Poor Jake, he did nothing wrong but I'm still treating him like this" I said while I continued to hold the smirk on my face.

After meeting Jake the day before yesterday gave me a new point of view of him. I didn't really have any opinions or expectations on him but it still gave me a new view of him. Meeting Jake and talking with him made me understand why Aeji is in love with him, and why she will never feel the same about me.

It's just like what I have said before, Aeji is so used to having friends so it makes sense why she sees our relationship differently compared to what I do. It doesn't matter what I do to Aeji, it doesn't matter if I tell her my entire life story or my deepest secret because she will never accept me as a friend.

It's probably all because I have Fire Nation blood. Aeji doesn't understand that my blood, origin and heritage has nothing to do with my personality which I thought she knew at this state, but apparently no.

A new idea popped up in my mind again.. Wouldn't it be fun to mess a little bit with Jake and Aeji? I'm not sure exactly why I should do but it would be fun to mess with them a little bit and see what happens..

this is what happens when you can't
sleep at night, so don't get sleeping problems kids O_O lmao

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