023 Can't Sleep Without You

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Twenty Three, Can't Sleep Without You

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Twenty Three, Can't Sleep Without You.

HER HOT FORM should've been cooling off if it wasn't for the fact she was running, well jogging, but still. "malia!" blue glacier eyes were glued to the back of the dirty blonde's head, luna was running in between panicked students & calming adults .. the virus was gone & the maker of it was dead. she didn't know that though.

but truths had been spoken, & hurt was apparent.

with whatever energy wavering back to luna she pushed forwards, malia jumping back slightly in the middle of the parking lot as luna ended up in front of her. "malia-"

"i don't wanna talk."

"okay, yes! i understand that, but i'm sorry none of us told you. that wasn't right, but a little part of you had to understand where scott & stiles were coming from .. t-they just wanted to protect you! peter isn't a good man, he's a killer and he taints. they just didn't want you tainted.."

malia's tense form seem to sag a little, "d-do you maybe wanna come over? take a shower and stuff, we could just talk. i could show you my stuff animal collection from when i was a kid." luna bit back a giggle, smiling warmly at the girl, "yeah - of course."

she was tempted to stay the night, to not face her problems back home just for a little longer .. but she knew she couldn't. she had to go.

they had eaten pizza & watched movies. luna did see the stuff animal collection, & a funny conversation with her foster father.

luna's gaze lingered on malia, the girl was yawning gently. "you can stay the night, if you'd like .. things must be weird with stiles now..?" luna hummed, "it's been weird for awhile, i'm not really sure what's going on with him half the time. before, i use to be able to know everything he was thinking and now .. i-i don't know. i need to talk to him, for sure."

"you're leaving aren't you?"
"y-yeah, yeah i am."
"that's okay, i'm okay now. thank you so much, luna."
"of course, mal."

stiles had never realized how dependent he was on luna until he couldn't sleep without her to his side or in his arms for that matter. his bed felt empty, and cold. the boy turned onto his side once more, eyes fluttering open with a sigh.

he couldn't sleep.

he was then shuffling back to his other side, gaze landing on a sound asleep luna on her side, her rosy cheeks slightly mushed against her hands — lips parted. she looked perfect.

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