036 | reunited again

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I am slowly starting to adjust myself again in this environment and it feels like I have my life under some sort of control. Life is not easy here and everyday consists of a new challenge to face. So to be able to keep my life under some sort of control is quite impressive.

Losing control over yourself here is not something you want to experience. I have lost it once, and it's something I don't want to experience again.

And after meeting Yein, it feels like I got myself something to look forward to when I wake up in the morning. I thought I could survive this all by myself, but having a friend here feels different and the reality doesn't feel as harsh as it actually is.

I walked outside to the yard along with the rest of the prisoners and immediately started to look after Yein. I slowly started to walk around in circles, in hope to find Yein better this way. What if Yein was just a hallucination? What if Yein doesn't actually exist?

If that's true, then it is confirmed that I lost control over myself while being stuck inside that cell..

"Aeji!" A voice interrupted my thoughts and a pair of hands were placed on my shoulders.

I turned around and found Yein standing behind me with a wide smile on her face. 

"I almost thought I was hallucinating your existence for a second" I said while chuckling.

"Good thing my existence is real then" Yein replied and chuckled too. 

Our eyes quickly made and we held eye contact for a few seconds. The smile I had on my face slowly disappeared the more I looked into Yeins eyes. The dark colored eyes Yein owns reminds me too much of Prince Jay.

Yein is just like Prince Jay, a citizen of the Fire Nation..

Even before meeting Prince Jay I had a hard time trusting the Fire Nation. But after all my experiences with Prince Jay, I have an even harder time trusting the Fire Nation. I don't want to be betrayed again just like Prince Jay did to me.

I slowly started to step backwards from Yein which made her look at me with a confused and concerned face.

"What's wrong Aeji?" Yein asked and tried to get closer to me but I continued to make distance between us.

"Stay away from me" I replied.

"Have I done something wrong to you? Why are you suddenly acting like this?" Yein said and kept trying to get close to me.

"I said stay away from me!" I raised my voice while I kicked Yein on her stomach.

Yein fell down on the ground and wrapped her arms around her stomach. Yein looked up to me and kept having a confused and concerned facial expression. I quickly looked around us and saw there were a couple of prisoners around us who witnessed our small fight.

I turned around to prepare myself to run away from the scene, in case any guards noticed and found this suspicious. My feets got ready to run away but I ended up bumping into someone's chest. A guards chest.

"You're following me young lady" The guard said.

My heart dropped while flashbacks started to flash up inside my head. I tried to run away but the guard caught me and held a tight grip with my arms. I used all of my power and strength to scream and try to get lost from the tight grip. But it's impossible.

Another guard came to help and both of them started to walk back inside while I continued to scream and move around. I can't go back to that cell, I can't lose the control over myself again..

We arrived outside my previous cell. They opened up the door and threw me inside and then immediately closed the door again and walked away. I ran up to the door and started to scream and hit the door, hoping someone would listen to my beg.  

All the power and strength I used to have started slowly to disappear and instead, a tear started to fall down from my cheek.

"The guards never listen to the prisoners when they scream or cry, I thought you had already learned that by now" A familiar voice suddenly said.

I quickly turned around my head and saw Prince Jay walking towards me from the shadows. I'm not sure if i should act suprised or not to see Prince Jay here, it's all because of him I'm here once again.

But something feels different this time, like why is Prince Jay wearing the same red colored clothes as me..

"I'm sorry Aeji for what I have done to you. It's all a karma experience right now because I deserve to be hated. I hate myself as much as you hate me, and I wish I understood earlier why you hate the Fire Nation so much. Maybe the world would have looked different right now if I was smarter back then" Prince Jay said.

"My relationship with my father has always been complicated and I would do everything just to get a small confirmation that I was good enough. The whole plan of the Fire Nation taking over all four nations was one of the ways for me to get this small confirmation. Unfortunately, I realized too soon how manipulated I have been all this time" He added.

"Instead of using lightning to impress my father, I should have used lightning to kill my father" Prince Jay said.

My eyes widened after listening to Prince Jay's sudden comment about his father. Did Prince Jay leave his father's side which caused him to end up here in prison. I wish I had earth underneath me right so I could tell if he's lying or not.

I just left Yein because she's a Fire Nation citizen and now I'm standing here with the prince himself, almost debating on if I should trust him or not. Prince Jay has caused a lot of trust-issues for me after what happened in both Ba Sing Se and Hujiang.

"I know you still hate me and you have all the rights to that since I hate myself too. But I still wanted to tell you this because you're the one who helped me to gain confidence to go against my father" Prince Jay said

Prince Jay stood up against his father because of me? It doesn't matter which words that leaves Prince Jay's mouth, every single word he says goes straight to my heart no matter what the words are.

"I still hate you for what you have done to me.." I started.

I paused my sentence to look at Prince Jay. He looks nervous and it feels like he can barely make eye contact with me.

"But I do miss the relationship we had" I said and formed a small smile on my lips.

Prince Jay looked up at me surprised and happy at the same time. We both stood there and smiled at each other before we started to minimize the distance between us. Prince Jay wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a tight hug while I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Thank you so much Aeji for trusting me again after everything I did. I am going to do everything to prove that you made the right decision" Prince Jay said while we kept hugging each other.

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