038 | setting up plans

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My eyes slowly opened even if it feels impossible to open them because they're so heavy. It feels like I'm having a fight with myself because my eyes are so heavy while the rest of my body is still asleep. I can't believe I was able to sleep this deep when I don't even have a mattress to sleep on.

I started to stretch out my arms in hope to wake up my body more. I suddenly felt how I hit something, something that was not made of metal. My head automatically turned around and saw Jay sleeping peacually a few inches from me. I also noticed an arm wrapped around my waist as well.

My body fully woke up and I sat up confused while my eyes kept staring at the sleeping prince next to me. I don't have a memory of us two falling asleep this close to each other. So how did we end up with only a few inches between us.

"Should I wake him up?" I asked myself since my eyes can't focus on anything else than Jay's sleeping figure.

It's not like I have anything else to do. I am going to be locked up here for the rest of my life so I don't really have limitless options of things to do due to the lack of freedom.

"Hey, wake up" I said while I shaked Jay's shoulder.

Jay couldn't care less and continued to be asleep. The only reaction I got was that he turned around so I was facing his back. Seems like I'm not the only one who fell into a deep sleep. But if I'm awake, then Jay don't have any other choice than to wake up too.

"Jay! Wake up!" I said and raised my voice while I shaked his shoulder which caused his whole body to move.

"Is there anything wrong?" Jay mumbled while he turned around to look at me.

"You were asleep and I was bored" I replied.

Jay chuckled and sat up next to me, making the distance between us smaller. It's not like I have anything against Jay being this close to me, it just feels weird but also quite comfortable at the same time.

My eyes fell down into Jay's while the rest of the world around us disappeared. Flashbacks from yesterday started to appear one by one inside my mind.

"Did you mean what you said yesterday?" I asked.

"Mean what?" Jay asked back.

"When you called me the love of your life, did you mean it?" I responded.

Jay nodded while he broke eye contact for a short second. Our eyes met again and the world around us once again disappeared, but this time it feels like the world around us is completely gone. None of us wanted to break the eye contact.

Without realizing it or thinking twice, I started to move my head towards Jay while Jay's head moved towards me as well. A hand was placed on my knee and our lips were only inches apart from each other.

In the same second our lips were about to connect, the door swung open and interrupted the scene. Me and Jay quickly moved our heads away from each other and looked over at the door. A boy in our age dressed in a Fire Nation uniform stood in the doorframe, staring at us with shocked and widened eyes. 

"Did I interrupt something?" The boy asked.

I looked over at Jay who mentally cursed due to the embersament he just experienced. Jay looked back at me and down at his hand, realizing it was still on my knee. Jay quickly removed his hand and looked away, pretending nothing just happened before we got interrupted.

"What are you even doing here?" Jay asked the boy, a little irritated.

"I'm going to help both of you out" The boy answered and closed the door behind him, and then sat down in front of me and Jay.

"Who are you?" I responded while I looked confused at the boy in front of me.

"This is my best friend Jun, I think I have mentioned him to you before" Jay said.

The name Jun doesn't feel familiar at all so I don't think Jay has mentioned him before. I didn't even know Jay had a best friend until now.

"But how are we supposed to get out of here? Have you perhaps forgotten that we're prisoners at the Boiling Rock?" Jay asked Jun.

"Making you two escape from here is going to be difficult and a risk as well, but I am willing to take that risk or else this peaceful and harmonious world we have today will be gone forever" Jun answered.

"I was able to sneak into the Royal Palace and steal these drawing plans of the Boiling Rock" Jun said and took out a couple of scrolls from his bag.

We spread out the scrolls in front of us and looked at the drawings plans together. Only be looking at these scrolls makes me questioning if it's going to make it easier or more difficult to escape.

"What's this?" Jay suddenly asked and pointed at one of the scrolls

Me and Jun took a look at where Jay pointed. It was a drawing of the bottom floor and based on the drawing plan, it looked like something was underneath the bottom floor. Something that looks similar to a tunnel.

"I think this is the way out" Jun said.

"Are you sure? What if this tunnel isn't the way out, what are we supposed to do then?" I asked.

"Unfortunately this feels like the only way out. It's too risky to take another way so we don't have any choice but to take this chance if we want to leave this place" Jay replied.

Jay is right, we need to take this chance if we want to leave this plan or else we might really spend the rest of our lives here. Even though it is a risk, I am willing to take that risk. If we don't get out of here, then who is supposed to stop the Fire Lord?

The whole world's fate and future is in our hands. 

the end of this book is only coming
closer and closer O_O

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