Chapter 1

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*~* M O O N *~*

The small cramped space grew hotter as we continued to kiss.

We'd been at it for a while and he was good, as good as Kayla had said. He knew how to use his hands and tongue well.

The bell had gone just a minute before and I knew I was going to be late. He however, didn't seem to care as his lips continued to suck harder on my neck.

"Leon, I said I don't want a hickey."

He groaned in disappointment as I gently pushed him off, "Fuck Moon, you just taste too good."

I laughed and pushed him away again as he attempted to latch his lips to me. "I need to get to class."

He caught my arm and pulled me against him, his fingers traveling down and up my skirt until he was pressing at my folds through my panties.

"Leon we can't-"

He cut me off with a hard kiss, "Your driving me crazy. You know how much I want this."

Indeed I did. His erection was hard to ignore as it poked at me.

I shook my head, "We can't, we're in school and we're going to be late."

His lips latched back unto my neck, "Fuck that Moon, I need you."

It felt good, I don't want to stop. But we couldn't. anyone could walk into the supply closet at any minute.

Pushing off his chest, I backed away, "I have to go." I turned and walked out before he could say anything

Thankfully, the halls were empty as I walked to my class. The ache between my legs didn't die down as I pushed the door open.

I winced at the sour expression on Mrs Avril's face. I was not going to be let off easy today.

"How kind of you to finally join us Moon."

"I can-"

"Detention. Today."

My eyes widened, "I can't do today, i'm-"

"Today. I will not hear any excuses."

I groaned but turned and began walking over to my seat. I shot my friends an apologetic look as I passed them.

We had planned to go out and meet these collage guys Kayla had been talking to. In all honesty, I had been hella excited to finally fuck an experienced guy. High school guys just didn't do it for me.

I shot Kayla a sad smile before flopping down onto my chair.

Instead of the hard wood surface of the chair, I found myself in someone's lap.

I quickly shot up, ready to chew up whoever was sitting in my seat. I was only halfway when a large hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me, hard.

I gasped as I came crashing back down.

Hot breath tickled my skin as an unfamiliar, deep, male voice sent a shiver down my spine that settled and intensified the ache between my legs.

"Don't be so hasty, make yourself comfortable why don't you?"

I felt my cheeks warm as everyone watching laughed.

What the fuck?

"Why the hell are you sat in my seat?"
I twisted myself around to face him. I sucked in a deep breath at what I found.

An African-American guy with hazelnut brown skin and chin-legnth dreadlocks stared back at me.

He was hot. Really fucking hot. So hot it pissed me off.

His full lips were curled up into a sexy smirk, his sharp, defined jawline free of stubble. His eyes were so dark you could hardly make out the pupil, his long feminine eyelashes framed those mesmerising eyes of his perfectly.

If he wasn't sitting in my seat, then I wouldn't have minded at all.

But he was. And I was sitting on his lap in front of everyone.

I felt him harden underneath me as it poked at me, Mortified, I pulled his arms away and shot up, stepping back to put much needed distance between us.

"What the fuck? Why are you in my seat?"

He grinned up at me lazily, "Nobody asked you to sit on my fucking dick in the first place. It would be in your best interest to simply take this seat," He gestured to the empty seat in front, "Unless you expect me to bend you over and fuck you right here."

My face warmed even more as everyone laughed again. I balled my fists up, anger flowing hot through my veins. Without saying another word to him, I took the seat.

I wanted to fucking scream at the humiliation. Who the fuck was this guy?

I didn't hear as the teacher scolded him and gave him detention. I didn't hear as she continued the lesson. I didn't hear the slight scrape of the desk behind moving forward. I was so angry, I didn't hear anything until his voice sounded again, this time in a low whisper right beside my ear.

"If you ever feel the need for a personal chair, how about you use my face next time hmm?"

I didn't like the effect his words had on me. I didn't like the way it sent another wave of heat down between my legs.

"Go fuck yourself." I muttered, careful to keep my voice low.

He laughed quietly, his lips hovering close to my ear, "You'd love to see that wouldn't you? Pervert."

I balled my fists tight again, "I'm not a-"

He cut me off, "Didn't you ride my dick without consent? Doesn't that count as sexual harassment?"

I struggled to keep my voice low, "Your fucking disgusting. It was an accident. I didn't ride your dick anyway you sick fuck, so leave me the hell alone, asshole."

He leaned forward even more until he was so close I was scared someone would see. My eyes darted around but nobody was paying any attention to the back where we were.

"Alone with that throbbing ache between your legs? Wouldn't that be cruel?"

I gasped, pressing my thighs together by instinct.

How the hell did he-

He simply laughed before pulling back as the teacher looked in our direction.

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