Chapter I

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The studio was quiet and empty and Nicki was just about ready to head home, today had been a really productive day and she was sure happy about it.

It was raining outside leaving the atmosphere chilly, Nicki liked the weather a lot so she decided to take a walk rather than call her driver to come pick her up, plus her house wasn't too far it was probably just about a fifteen minute walk from where she was, just what she needed— time to clear her head and just walk.

She pulled on her grey hoodie, picked up an umbrella and put on her black glasses in other not to be recognized.

Even though she felt it only attracted more attention to herself, she'd been advised one too many times to put it on whenever leaving the house and she didn't have the time to argue so she just did it.

A little while into the walk she started humming to herself smiling at the fact that her beautiful wife was probably waiting for her, just perfect. A cold night with the warmth and protection of her beloved, she just couldn't wait to get home.

As she walked further down, she heard a soft whimper coming from a little alleyway between two buildings, normally it'd be wise not to check it out, it might have just been a setup but it sounded really pained and very childlike, her instinct just told her to check it out.

So she did.


"Come on, let's just go!" Rumi whisper shouted trying to get Sir to get up.

"But it hurts." the little boy whimpered looking at his foot which was bleeding badly unto the wet floor.

"Blue must be worried let's go, then she can help y-" the little girl was cut off by the sound of something hitting the floor.

She looked up terrified thinking it was some drunk person who managed to stumble their way into the alley..


"Shit!" Onika said as she mistakenly hit a wet box making it fall to the ground, looking up she could see the two little children already looking at her with fear in their eyes.

She took little steps forward trying not to scare them even more.. "What are you kids doing here? Where are your parents?" she asked softly as she approached them.

The little boy started crying thinking she was trying to hurt them, his twin sister hugging him as the rain hit them. Nicki slowly knelt down before the boy.

"Shh, I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm just trying to help okay?" she said softly making the boy stop his crying but he kept sniffing, she brought out a handkerchief from her purse.

"I'm gonna clean it up, okay?" The boy just nodded as his sister held him tighter.

Nicki then used the handkerchief to wipe off the blood, it wasn't a deep injury just a flesh wound. It looked like he'd scratched his leg on something sharp.

After wiping it off she then rinsed out the napkin in the rain before tying up the wound.

"There, it's all better." She smiled, she knew that her phone must have probably been blowing up with missed calls from her lover but that wasn't what she was thinking about right now, it was the safety of these kids..

"Where are your parents?" She asks the little girl.

"Blue blue." The girl replied back leaving her highly confused, the girl then stood up holding up her brother, even though it looked like it took her a lot of strength to do it.

"I mean your rea-" She couldn't finish her sentence as she was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a girl.

"Rumi, Sir.. where have you both been?!" A little girl questioned, she looked nothing more than ten, she was carrying a little boy in her arms who looked maybe about a couple months if anything.

"She help us!" Sir smiled brightly pointing at her, it seemed like only then did the girl see her.


"Where are your parents?" Nicki felt like she'd asked this question a lot more than she should have, and at this point she was worried for these kids.

"I don't know." the girl shrugged nonchalantly.

"Where do you kids stay at? I can give you a ride back." Nicki offered.

"No need for that." Blue said pointing at a little box pushed up at the back of the alleyway. "We're already home."

"What?!" Nicki couldn't help how loud that sounded.. "This..?! you guys are coming with me."

It seemed like a very impulsive decision but she really wasn't about to leave these kids out here, her conscience just wouldn't let her..

"I'm not so sure, how do I know I can trust you?" The little girl asked skeptically.

"You can blue blue, she's nice!" Rumi smiles..

'Oh so this is the Blue blue she keeps talking about..' Nicki thought to herself.

"Shush Rumi." she said shushing the little girl before turning back to Nicki with accusing eyes..

"I promise I'm not gonna do any harm." Nicki spoke trying to pacify the girl.

"I know your kind, you say you're gonna help but then you end up taking us to a foster home and separating us, that's so not happening!" Blue accused holding on to the baby in her hands in a stronger grip.

"I promise I'm only trying to help. You can't take care of these kids like this, hell your a kid yourself!" Nicki said raising her voice a little, all sorts of emotions where hitting her right about now but the most prominent was probably the anger.. anger she felt towards the parents of these kids.

How can you just abandon a child out here?.. anything could've happened to them! "All I'm tryna say is y'all need to come with me, I promise I'm not gonna do anything to hurt you." She stated a little softer this time.

Blue looked to her siblings, Rumi gave her pleading eyes to just go with this woman, Sir didn't really say anything and his face didn't give out what he was feeling anyways, while the little baby didn't even know what in the world was even going on around him.

"Fine, but don't do anything stupid, cause.. cause I'll scream!" Blue said looking at her sassily.

Nicki internally laughed at that one, even if she screamed no one would hear her, the million dollar mansion she lived in with her wife was just way too big for anyone to hear her.. not like she was planning on doing anything to these little angels anyways.

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