Chapter IV

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Nicki walked a few steps down the stairs, to the sound of loud crying noises..

"Shh.. stop crying." Blue mumbled out bouncing the little boy in her lap.. which was basically pointless since it was doing nothing to help.

"You need help with him?" Nicki asked softly walking into the living room, she's never had a kid before but had always had a really soft spot for them.

"Yes, please." Blue said tiredly handing him over with no single bit of hesitation whatsoever.

"Well, he sure needs a diaper change. Please wait I'm gonna be back soon then we can order some pizza." Nicki said to which the children cheered to.

She didn't have any children but her niece was always around most of the times, before they moved back to New York so a lot of her stuff where still in the house, which included her diapers too.

After changing him, she came back downstairs to the sight of both Blue and Rumi cuddled up on the couch fast asleep with Sir just watching them silently.

She whipped out her phone to order the pizza, she was gonna ask Sir which toppings to get but decided against it.. as far as she knows he might have never even eaten it before.

"You wanna watch some tv while we wait for the pizza to get here?" She asked the little boy to which he nodded rapidly sitting on the couch and waiting for her to switch it on, and she did opting to put the channel on SpongeBob.

As soon as the theme song started it was like he was in his own world... Just him and tv.

Nicki smiled as the baby in her arms kept babbling a bunch of incoherent sounds.. these kids were too precious, who would really want to leave them out like that?


The pizza soon arrived and was given to Nicki at the front door, she tipped the boy off before going over to the kitchen island with Sir following closely behind her following the smell of the unfamiliar box.

Beyoncé walked down the stairs in a set of silk pyjamas, she still really had a lot of questions that she wanted to ask but she'd already said she wouldn't.. so she would just have to wait.

Nicki put a slice in each plate getting some orange juice from the refrigerator, pouring it in a cup for Sir.

"Can you wait here while I go call your sisters?" She asked making the little boy look across the table to Beyoncé who was already staring at him.

"I'll follow." He immediately said getting off the chair and holding on to Nicki's pyjama pants leg.

Nicki already knowing the reason didn't protest and just let him follow her, Beyoncé sat there and rolled her eyes at this.

I'm not even that intimidating. She thought shrugging her shoulders before continuing on her dinner.

The two sisters soon joined the trio as they all walked back into the dinning room.

Blue sat to the left of Nicki as Sir sat to her right and Rumi just straight up climbed up her lap, settling herself next to the little boy.

"Rumi please eat your food." Nicki said into her ear seeing as the little girl wasn't eating despite everyone else at the table doing so.. Nicki had even cut the pizza into little squares for her and the little boy.

"No' hungwy" she mumbled into her neck continuing to stare at the plate before her.

"But you have to eat to be strong and grow." Nicki told her in hopes of making her eat.

"Would I be stwong like Blue blue?" She asked timidly.

"Yes.. very strong." Nicki smiled at her cute and innocent antics.

"Otay, but small..the food too much." she said putting a piece in her mouth.

What in the world does she even mean by too much.. it's literally only one slice. Nicki thought concerned at the child's behavior.


Later at night all four kids where settled in the guest room that was just down the hall from Nicki's and Beyoncé's.

Nicki had tucked them in and even read them a bed time story before leaving the room.

"Y'all know this is temporary, right?" Blue asked looking over at her two siblings.

"No she loves us." Rumi mumbled back snuggling her head more into her brothers chest.

"No..she doesn't, she doesn't even know our names!" Blue exclaimed at the utter stupidity of her siblings.

"Blue stop shouting your scaring her and me and your gonna wake baby." Sir said glaring at his sister.

"Don't look at me like that boy." Blue sassed rolling her neck. "I'm telling you by tomorrow she's gonna kick us out or maybe even worse, she'll send us off to an orphanage and we're all gonna get separated." At this point she couldn't keep the tears from flowing freely down her cheeks.

"No.." Rumi mumbled letting go of her brother to wrap her arms around her sister. "She not do that.. beweive."

"I'm trusting you on this one, sis." Blue mumbled out placing a kiss on her forehead and leaning over to her brother to do the same.

"I love you guys for real." she nodded affirmative.

"We love you too." Sir smiled

And they all went to sleep that night peacefully for the first time in a very long time..

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