Meeting a Creator

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Popping my eyes open I see I'm in a plain white room laying on the floor. I look around and see that the room is completely empty with no windows or doors. I sit up and start retracing my memories trying to make sense of this. Then I remember the little boy about 6 in the middle of the road with a Ford Mustang speeding right for him. I didn't even think I just jumped and pushed the kid out of the way and then blank.

"Oh My God! I died! I'm dead!" I start yelling hysterically. I feel myself starting to have a panic attack.

"Calm down," a deep voice said behind me. I whip around to see a man who kind of looks like George R.R. Martin just a younger and taller version.

"Who are you?" I ask after taking a few deep breath's.

"You can call me creator. No I'm not god, no I'm not the only creator, yes I have a name but you will not know how to pronounce it any way," he says with a bored tone. I suspect he has dealt with a lot of people like me.

"Is this heaven?" I ask.

"No, this is an in between. I have brought you here to offer you a second chance at life because I'm bored and you interest me," he says scratching at his long beard.

"I can go back?" I ask quietly not sure if I want to go back.

"Well not back to where you were but somewhere new where you could do some good," he states.

"What's the catch?" I ask suspicious.

"Well you will be reborn as your most hated character in the ASOIAF world," he says with a smirk.

"Joffrey," I scoff.

"Yes, and to make it more fun you can make 3 changes to yourself and only yourself," he says with a twinkle in his eye. I think for a moment. I have watch the show all the way through multiple times and have almost everything memorized.

"Wait is this world more like the books or the show?" I ask.

"Hmmmm the show since it was much more disappointing in the end," he says. I take a moment to think. The major issue I would have is that Joffrey isn't a Baratheon so the first would be that somehow Robert is my actual father and I have dragons blood because I need to in order to hatch an egg. So there is one now the next issue is that Joffrey has no combat skills what so ever. Ooo I can ask to be a super soldier like Captain America that would certainly help me. Now the last one is tricky. Well if I have dragons blood then asking for a bonded dragon isn't so far fetched. It would also give me an edge over the white walkers and Dany even though she was a favorite of mine before she came to Westeros. Or I could ask for creation magic and I'll be able to create a dragon egg and anything else I will need but I would not be fire proof. Hmmm decisions decisions. Yes I think I have it.

"Alright so number 1 I want to somehow actually be Roberts son with dragons blood. I also want to keep my natural hair. Born blonde but as I age it darkens to a Baratheon dark brown that's just to make Cersei think I'm actually Jamie's so she doesn't try to kill me or something. Number 2 I want to be like a super soldier like Captain America. Number 3 I want creation magic where I will be able to create objects and dragons eggs," I say with a smile.

"Alright I can do that but you won't get your speed or strength until your 12. Your creation magic you will get at age 8. And when you reach where the show begins instead of being 12 like the show you will be 14 because it just makes more sense," he says. I give him a big smile before there is a huge flash of bright light light before I'm in the dark once again.

Joffrey Baratheon 2.0: Reborn ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now