035 Put Her Down

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Thirty Five, Put Her Down

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Thirty Five, Put Her Down

The girls' tongue poked out of her cherry pouty lips, her wrist flicking back and forth — claws on show, then claws fading. Almost like a magic trick. When had she learned all this control? With a soft sigh, Luna let her hand go limp — falling onto her lap. Her gaze looked up, eyes casted on Stiles. The boy writing Theo Raeken's name on his Murder Board, a soft frown lining Luna's lips.

  "Usually, we wait until they do something wrong before we declare them guilty." Luna's eyes then flickered to Noah at the doorway, the girl bringing her legs up to her chest — chin resting on her knee. Stiles sighed, "well, he's guilty of something."

    "Accusations require proof. And proof always trumps instincts. It has to."
  "I know, Dad."
  "Let it go, Stiles. Get some sleep, both of you."

   Luna smile at Noah's soft smile & wink. "Hey, Dad?" The man hummed, head poking back into his sons room. Stiles sighed, "I got it. The something different. I know what it is." Luna raised a brow, Noah shrugging, "okay?"

   "You're not wearing your wedding ring anymore."

   Luna sucked in a breath of air, heart clenching for the Stilinski's. Noah's face fell slowly, the man's gaze moving to his hand that no longer carried the gold band. "You're sure this kid's guilty?"

  "Then all you gotta do is wait. If they're really guilty, eventually, they make a mistake. They always make a mistake."

   Luna's lips rolled into a straight line, eyes casting down towards her own hands .. eyes widened slightly at the lack of silver that was usually wrapped around her middle finger. Stiles had given it to her.

   Fuck. They always make a mistake.

    Luna's gaze lingered on Stiles' window, her forehead resting against the cold glass. Stiles let out a sigh, the boy pulling on a pair of plaid sleep pants. "You okay?" Luna jumped at the sudden talking, whipping around to face a shirtless Stiles. "W-What?"

   The boy smiled softly, warm hands landing on Luna's shoulders. "You're all tense and stuff, I could tell. Always could, even when you hated my guts freshman year." Luna rolled her eyes at the mention, "freshman and sophomore year were not my finest, alright, we're aware. Also! You couldn't blame me, everyone said you were in love with Lydia! I was getting annoyed of being in love with a guy who I didn't think batted me an eye." Stiles cracked a smile, "you definitely weren't in love with me. Maybe a crush, but definitely not in love."

"Well, what's it matter now, lover boy — I'm so in love with you, could just die." The boy snorted, Luna's arms wrapping around the boys neck gently. "That's not funny, Lu." The girl gasped falsely, "you just laughed, hypocrite!" The boy rolled his eye, Luna beaming as she pulled the boy gently down towards her lips. Stiles melting into the girl, their lips reconnecting like missing puzzle pieces. The boys arms slither down her arms, wrapping around her waist & pulling her closer.

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