040 Everything Is Not Fine

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Forty, Everything Is Not Fine

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Forty, Everything Is Not Fine

Luna hated the two sets of eyes on her, they were burning holes into her skin. It was making her sick to her stomach. Hot metal burning tan or fade freckled skin, could've been branding. Though, she didn't pay them mind — she was staring down at the dead teenager on the roof floor of Beacon Hills Hospital. "Luna—"

"You two can't say anything. Please, don't say anything." Stiles worried gaze moved from his girlfriend to Theo, "why not?" Theo took a deep breath, "'cause I never said anything about Donovan."

Luna spun around at the boys words, Stiles gaze snapped to Luna — his heart stopping & dropping. Stiles was suddenly stuck in a cloud of dark abyss. And Luna wouldn't let him stay lost for too long. The girl's jaw clicked, took a deep breath, "you know Stiles didn't do it, right."

And at his girlfriends voice, he was pulled back — mouth snapping open but he was cut off. "I — I shifted, don't have full control yet. I've never had. I killed Donovan, to protect Stiles. It was self dense, in a sense." Theo scoffed, "I know what happened. I know everything."

Luna nearly tumbled over as Stiles raced past her, slamming Theo into the electrical box behind them. Luna's eyes widened. "You don't know shit." Theo's jaw clenched, grabbing Stiles and turning — slamming Stiles into the box now. Luna's jaw clenched, insides burning as she grabbed the back of Theo's shirt. The Raeken boy went flying back, gasping for air with a groan as his back hit the floor. Luna growling, "back the fuck off, Raeken."

The boy was quick to stand, "don't try and cover for him! I was there. I was at the library. Malia found the book, for Luna, she was texting us. She said she left you two were at the library. I told her I was close! When I got there, I heard the scaffolding come down."

"You saw him?"
"Just the body."

Luna hummed, "exactly. Just the body, you didn't see what happened. You didn't see me kill him. So, don't fucking say I'm covering for Stiles. I've killed, it's how it goes. I did it, he didn't." Theo's eyes flickered to Stiles, "did she do it."

The girl turned her head over her shoulder, gaze stuck on her boyfriend. His eyes met hers, she was pleading. Please, just go along.

Stiles nodded. "She was protecting us. Donovan —he was going to kill us.." Luna sighed, the couple looking back at Theo — the boy nodding slowly. "I watched you two come out. I was gonna say something, but then I saw the cop car ... And the body was gone. I don't know who took him. I only saw what you saw, and I didn't say anything because none of you did. But I guess it's normal for you to kill and leave them behind, huh?"

Luna scoffed, her fist flying right into the boys jaw — sending him down to the ground with groans. "Guess what, hot shot, I didn't ask for this shit, but the world isn't so nice, is it? I've died and come back. Watch yourself Theo, I'm more powerful then you think." The girl was quick to snatch up Stiles' hand, the two leaving the roof ... Leaving Theo and the dead Chimera — Josh. He was a junior.

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