044 Curious Child

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Forty Four, Curious Child

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Forty Four, Curious Child

    When Luna was younger, her mother liked to call her a walking time bomb — and it wasn't typically for a bad reason. She just always seem to be at the wrong place at the wrong time ... Curiosity killed the Cat. Luna happen to be that Cat. A curious child.

   Fear ... Luna hadn't felt it much in her seventeen years of life with being so powerful in her own skin and what not. But she felt it more than anything right now, as she was watching herself. Out of body. This felt like a fever dream.

She was standing in the corner of this steel room she'd been rotting in for a couple of days now, her wide baby blue eyes staring at the rabid animal on the steel stretcher it seem — she was strapped down. Her skin was very pale, eyes fully white, the red took up a lot of her eyes .. nearly covering the white. She was dripping sweat, bruising & cutting starting to draw against her skin from where the straps rubbed harshly. This horrible tainted version of herself was growling, snapping forward with all she could — jaw snapping close and opening. Just dying to get her teeth latched onto anything. Absolutely anything.

  Luna was staring at the Windikouk. A wild animal.

   Sure, she wasn't sure whether she was dreaming but she still tried to open the door and make a run for it — but her hand just passed through the door handle .. Like a Goddamn ghost.

   Luna, in tears, pried her eyes away from the Windikouk — her baby blues landing on the Dread Doctors. Her heart picking up, she was speaking before she could think. "W—What is that." Her eyes were locked on a dagger, a purplish liquid being dropped onto the tip .. slowly rolling down the dagger's steel. A Dread Doctor just looked at her, a different one, who was holding the dagger turned. All three Dread Doctors now staring down at the animal like Luna.

  "La bête de la famine, le Windikouk - elle vivra et respirera dans une jeune fille. Et elle sera transférée lorsqu'elle sera appelée. A partir de maintenant, ils se séparent. Deux identités et une fois la tâche accomplie, ils se réuniront. Restez comme un, pour toujours."

Luna's eyes widened, the Doctor hanging the dagger over the girls chest. "W-Wait! Hold on!"

"La jeune fille n'apprendra pas à composer avec les parties cachées de son décuple. Elle est notre parfaite réussite."

Luna yelled out as the dagger was suddenly stabbed into the chest of her wild animal look alike, the Windikouk falling still. Eyes wide and emotionless. Luna's hands had slapped over her gasping mouth, the girl paralyzed with fear. There was one of two ways this could go, Luna could die again — but like for real this time, or Luna would never face death again.

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