045 Need A Win

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 Forty Five, Need A Win

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Forty Five, Need A Win

  Stiles actually felt like he might die.

   Maybe have a heart attack and just drop dead. He definitely wanted to strangle the woman before him. She was not helping, in the slightest. "Stilinski, right?" The boy nodded, anxiety dripping off him like tears. "You said his insurance was with the county? He's a Deputy?" The boy almost scoffed, "what — no, he's the Sheriff! He's the county Sheriff! Okay, he's covered. I—I mean he should be covered.."

   "I'll take care of it." Both sets of eyes flickered to Melissa McCall, the aged woman taking the forms from the woman behind the desk. "I texted Scott. He's coming as soon as he can. Luna isn't answering my calls. Should I call Malia?" Stiles took a shaky breath — mind running faster than he could process, "no, no, don't call anyone."

   The woman behind the desk spoke once more, "is there anyone else we need to notify? A next of kin?" Stiles heart strings were being ripped apart, Luna Willow Sage.

    Stiles let out a shaky breath, "no. It's me, just me."

    To say Scott was feeling the after effects of his best friend killing him .. was an understatement. His gash was bigger than one he's ever seen or known .. It just wouldn't stop bleeding; despite the pads and pads of gauze he'd put over it. Walking throughout the hospital felt like he was completing a mile through fire.

   "What do you mean? You don't know? Two hours ago, he was fine! Now it looks like somebody took a baseball bat to his neck!" It was Stiles' voice, on the older side of swinging doors .. There was so much Scott had to tell him. But where would he even start. He wasn't sure if they were friends at this point. "There could've been some minor internal."

   "Did you say, minor internal? Since when is anything internal minor?"

  Scott's slow steps came to a stop, glossed over eyes on Noah Stilinski bed ridden .. The sight hurt him greatly. This was his fault, Scott wondered, did Luna feel this blame too? Did she feel it all the time?

  "I need to know what's going on with him, okay? Somebody needs to tell me what's happening to him!" Stiles was on the edge of a very, very high cliff. And he was stumbling off the edge .. anger & sadness. It was never a good combo. "W—We don't know." Melissa's word felt so far, even with how close she truly was.

  Stiles' gaze found Scott in front of his fathers room, by coincidence, the raven-haired boy moving before he could think. He shoved opened the doors, all his anger siting in the palms of his fury hands as he grabbed ahold of Scott's shirt — slamming the boy into a wall .. The two tumbling to the floor.

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