047 Getting The Band Back Together

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Forty Seven, Getting The Band Back Together

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Forty Seven, Getting The Band Back Together

       Luna truly couldn't remember the last time her life was sunshine & rainbows. Maybe if she hadn't been obsessed over Stiles her freshman & sophomore year, she wouldn't be here. But, if Luna wasn't here, what would anything be worth? Nothing was worth it without Stiles. No Stiles, no point in breathing.

   And she had to, just had to memorize the way his hands felt on her. Sexual or not. She couldn't forget him, he was unforgettable anyway.

   So, while searching around with Stiles & Scott — Luna didn't focus. She focused on the way Stiles' hand always fit in her's perfectly. She could feel his hand in hers right now, and they weren't even touching. She had to memorize all the feelings. And she wondered, when she was gone, had he still felt her? Had he still remembered the way she felt against him in every which way?

   "You guys see that?" Luna snapped away from her thoughts lingering behind the two boys, staring down at the area Stiles flashed with his light. "I see a colossal waste of human blood?" Scott cracked a smile at Luna's words, Stiles rolling his eyes fondly. "Look where it leads to." And so their eyes lingered on what seem to be a metal storage unit. Scott nodded, taking the lead, but he couldn't lift it. Luna frowned, heart being tugged on. She'd ruined him, he wasn't healing like he should've been & it was her fault. "I-I can help?" Scott's eyes flickered to the girl, Stiles looking between the two. And Scott smiled, "yeah."

   And so the two supernaturals lifted the metal, the three then staring down into a large broken hole in the ground surrounded by a load of crimson red. "We're going down there, aren't we?"

   Stiles smiled, "you know what they say. Ladies first."

    In all honesty, Stiles' itty-bitty flashlight wasn't doing shit & it had Luna clenching onto the back of his flannel for dear life. "You know, more than one flashlight would've been nice." Stiles rolled his eyes, the three following after the mercury on the ground. Their eyes soon locking on words on the ground, "what the hell is that?"

   "Looks Latin."
"Hold up that light. I'm gonna get a picture of it."

   Luna huffed, leaning down to the ground. "You know it actually.." Then the light disappeared, "Stiles, the light." A groan then sounded out, both Luna & Scott's gazes snapping towards Stiles' limp form. Gazes then landing on Tracy Stewart, the girl snarling. "You gotta be kidding me."

   Goddamn Chimeras.

   Scott groaned out as the brunette girl landed a kick to his stomach, the boy flying back to deal with another Chimera, Josh. Luna's eyes lingered on Tracy, "and to think I liked you." Tracy seem to smile, sinister. "M'Guess that makes the two of us." The girl went to claw at the Wendigo, Luna dodging the slash as she bent down to all fours — shifting. Moving against the slick flooring, she swiped Tracy's leg, the Chimera falling to the ground with a groan. Luna turned towards a fighting Scott, pulling Josh off him. She could hear Tracey heading for her — and the second she did, Luna spun around. Tracy's claw clad hand landing in Josh's chest. Electricity versus Kanima venom. Josh soon paralyzed as Tracy had flown back, whimpers slipping past her.

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